this is information about you

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Y'all he's looking at me ^ω^

Y'all he's looking at me ^ω^

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[Information about you]

(m/n) (l/n)

Age: 16

You are a few months younger than tsuki or older you choose, I just know you both have the same age

Height: 5'6

Is that a good enough height for all of you? I know all of you didn't even get to 5'6 foot or are you?

About you in this story: tsukishima rejected you after you confess to him more than 30 times a year, you started having feelings for him in middle school, something about his height and bravery amazes you, and what you truly have feelings for him is the fact he have such a pretty face that makes you more in love with him, you confess again again and again an never ending confession, any everytime tsukishima will always turn you down in the most hurtful thing ever, calling you dumb and some names that always made you feel useless.

In a random day, tsukishima said if you manage to get strong enough to carry and protect him, or get famous he'll consider your feelings, and as a simp yourself you agreed, after middle school you transfer to another country and started to study taekwondo, you were never that flexible to begin with so training taekwondo makes you wonder would this be worth it? In the end you continue taekwondo and fight more people who also do taekwondo.

As your endless love for you're crush, you manage to get a black belt in the age of 16, after all those years you're love for him didn't even fade.. Not even a little...


Mother: kiki (l/n)

Age: 34

Height: 5'8

She just loves you way too much, she would climb the tallest dangerous mountains on planet earth just to get an ingredient for your favorite dish, maybe because your the only child and the youngest in your family... Not really some of your youngest relatives aren't even born yet, in every tournament on taekwondo she would be the loudest in the crowd, wearing a shirt with the saying of "I love my son!" it's embarrassing at first but you always smile when you see your mom so proud of you.

(literally... Every child's dream mom.)

Father: alexandro (l/n)

Age: 36

Height: 6'2

As you are his first child, he treasures you like gold, no, more expensive than diamonds, somehow he can read your face by your eyes so every time you talk to him you either close your eyes or put on some glasses, your father works 6 days a week but makes sure to spend time with you even for 1 hour or less, the only thing that's scary of your father that the fact he have a basement that's always locked and he loves horror movies, not to mention when he's angry he's like a hungry lion.

By the way, you and your parents live together and your mom have now a job, even so she cooks for you before she leaves to work as a secretary in a company, so you kinda have your alone time.

Also you have a pit bull and he's name is princess peach (don't ask me why.)

Author's note:

I'm sleepy so goodnight my darlings, see you in my next post I guess, remember this is my first story please don't hate me.

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