“Let’s go” he takes my hand in his and makes me sit in his car.

Always treating me like I study in kinder garden.

“I am adult you know you can trust me I won’t ruin your seatbelt and car seats” I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes.

“I want to drive” I almost urge him.

“No” it’s the most immediate he has ever replied to me.

“Why? does it hurt your fragile male ego if you let me drive”? I ask glaring at him.

“It’s not like that” he speaks hesitantly.

“Then let me drive” I say.

I am not letting this slide anytime soon.

I stare at him until he finally decides to give up.

He still seems in a dilemma to me though.

But it’s not like I care.

I remove my seatbelt and exchange seats with him. All the while he stared at me as if I asked for his life. So very typical and hredhaanish of him to behave like that.

“So hredhaan singhania get ready for the best ride of your life” I bluff.

He rolls his eyes again.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me baby” I say playfully.

He ignores me and looks out of the window.

Why is he behaving like daily soap heroines?

What’s wrong with him?

It’s me who is going to have my monthly cycle in 3 days but he is the one having mood swings.

I see the roads empty and increase the speed of mine oops his car.

“What the hell are you doing”? He asks panicking.

“Giving you the best ride of your life as promised” I say.

We reach his desired destination in ten minutes all thanks to me and my driving skills.

Hredhaan looks like he just escaped an earthquake.

“I am never letting you drive” he speaks snatching his car keys from my hand.

“It’s okay I have my own car I will drive that” I tell him.

“You are not driving anyone’s car from now onwards” he orders me.


“I will make sure your driver is the one driving your car always” he completes.

“We will see” I challenge him.

“Definitely we will” he retorts back.

“Now let’s go” he takes my hand in his and almost drags me in the restaurant.

How romantic

“Slow down I am wearing heels” only when these words escaped my mouth he realized what he is doing and stopped and started walking normally but didn’t leave my hand.

“Hredhaan Singhania” he tells the receptionist.

She checks the bookings and asks us to follow her.

We reach the third floor of the hotel and I see it’s decorated but empty.

The receptionist leaves and I look around to admire the beauty of this place.

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