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I always wondered what it feels like to be a loser.

I never wanted to experience it.

She made me feel like one.

I didn’t even mind a healthy competition but she decided to play dirty.

I hate her so much.

But now is not the time.

I need to meet kunal today.

First step towards her ruin.

Doing my daily business I leave for the café where we were supposed to meet.

He is already waiting for me in the café.

Before he can speak anything I cut him off.

“I like aaradhya” I say

He doesn't look shocked.

Was he expecting this?

Whatever i don't care.

“I want to date her but she isn’t ready I am here to know the reason of her detachment towards relationships” I clear my stance.

“I don’t know much about her” he speaks.

Useless fucker.

“But I think it has something to do with the relationships of her family maybe she is scared” he tells me.

Not so useless after all.

“But I am happy just don’t hurt her she already suffered a lot” he tells.

She suffered?


She got everything she wanted.

Even if she did I don’t care.

It’s me who suffered the most.

“Yeah don’t worry about that” I fake assure him.

He smiles at me and then leaves saying he is busy.

Good riddance.

I leave for office too.

Working my ass off whole day I leave to meet her as I had planned in the morning.

I need to make her believe me.

I need to create a rosy image of mine in her head.

I watch her taking huge steps towards her car in the parking area looking all tired.

She is wearing a crop top and a black denim mini skirt looking hot and sexy as always.

Is she trying to seduce people around her?

She is still the least attractive woman to me.



She watches me and then royally ignores me.

So much attitude for what?

“I want to talk to you” I tell her.

“If this is about the relationship then I am not willing to hear anything” she tells me.

Goddamn this woman is so freaking stubborn.

If it was someone else she would have been in my arms by now.

Having had enough of her tantrums I grab her by her waist and pin her to the wall.

ScarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon