"I will be near. If anything happens I will be near but nothing will." He said, smiling. They had the luck to work on Porchay, his lips moving up. "Big will bring you to me as soon as you will be ready to go."

"And?" Porchay asked, finding it endearing how Kim seemed to have something to add but wouldn't begin.

"And I would like you to give a paper to Kinn...so we can communicate..."

"Am I like...a suitcase?" Porchay asked, disappointment showing on his face.

"No...Chay...Chay, tell me what you think now...why are you so down suddenly?"

Porchay pouted some more, bit his lips before confessing in a really low voice. "I just...feel like...an information...like I am useful to you as I should have been when you...you..." He stopped talking, Kim pushed him in his arms tightly, one hand on his hair, the other keeping his waist close. The younger boy was just snuggling quietly. He felt that he had to talk, that he couldn't keep it for himself because he could snap, he could and the last time he did he wished for Kim's death. He didn't want to let emotions, bad and over thought emotions, take the lead. He embraced Kim himself, he was addicted to those hugs, he was addicted to that warmth, to that body. He could stay like this for hours, he was sure, he might ask after if everything goes well, if they could cuddle, endlessly cuddle, like they did in Porchay's bed the past days.

"I swear. It's nothing like this..." Kim murmured and Porchay was the one to calm Kim down.

"I am sorry, it's okay P'Kim." He whispered, kissing his cheek again. His round cheek, he loved his cheek too, so much. "I just...it's just hard to not think like this..."

Kim nodded, pulling Porchay's face close and just resting their nose against each other. "You can always...tell me..."

"And you tell me."

"Though, I still didn't tell you the most important part..." Kim mostly laughed saying this, he mostly already mocked the idea and it didn't reassure Porchay.


"P'Kim, are you sure about this?" Porchay asked from the bathroom.

"I am sure Chay...they will precisely check everything on you."

"But not in my boxers..." Porchay opened the door, a really unsatisfied expression on his face. Kim giggled, he couldn't stop his laugh coming back and forth.

"I'm sorry...I really am." He tried to convince Porchay but his stare said that he wasn't, not even a second.

"Tsss...will they really not look there?"

"Well...it can happen, it might have happened, but to be fair Chay, you're just Porsche's brother. They have no reason to be on a high guard level with you."

"I hope..." Porchay sighed, it was written on his face that he had something hidden on him, it was making him carry a secret. He didn't like this.

"You will do so great." Kim reassured him.

"P'Kim...it scratches." He whined in discomfort and Kim laughed again, kissing his forehead. He loved his sunshine so much. He didn't smile that much for some hours for years.

Deep inside, Kim hated this. He didn't want to have Porchay too close to his family or the business. However, it would be easy to let this look like just a worried little brother. A brother who was present when Porsche got kidnapped. If he ever had to explain, Big could lie. He was in the least possible confidence. He could lie about going there to check and finding Porchay in distress. It wouldn't seem weird, at least for most of them. But he hated it. He wanted to catch his arm, to get rid of the paper, maybe not that part himself, and shield Porchay, not throw him under the bus like now when he was seeing him approaching the hospital and disappearing.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now