06 : You know how I am

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


The Oscar bar was alive with the enchanting sounds of soft, slow instrumental music. The audience seemed to be carried away by the soothing melodies, their troubles melting away as the guitar, piano, and violin intertwined harmoniously.

Among the musicians creating this captivating atmosphere were Jay and his musician friends. Jay strummed the guitar with gentle finesse, his fingers dancing effortlessly as he poured his emotions into each chord. Jake Shim, on the other hand, mesmerized the crowd with his skillful play on the violin, his bow gliding gracefully across the strings, evoking feelings of nostalgia and longing. And anchoring the melody was Lee Heeseung, exuding a quiet intensity on the piano, his fingers caressing the keys with precision and passion.

That night, Jay's mind was burdened with the heavy of the day's accident. After visiting his mother at the hospital, his thoughts swirled in a maelstrom of worry and confusion. Seeking solace, he changed out of his uniform school and slipped into a pair of casual clothes before making his way to the Oscar bar. It had become his second home, a sanctuary where he could find respite from the chaos of life.

As Jay entered the bar, the warm ambiance welcomed him like an old friend. The dimly lit room, adorned with vintage décor and flickering candles, provided a sense of comfort that was sorely needed. The familiar faces of regular patrons greeted him with friendly nods and smiles, the Oscar bar becoming a place where everybody knew one another.

Jay took his usual spot on the stage, his red guitar resting gently on his lap. He closed his eyes, letting the surrounding sounds seep into his soul. As his fingers strummed the first chords, a hush fell over the audience. It was as if time stood still, and all that mattered was the music and the emotions it evoked.

With each note, Jay found himself transported from his troubled reality to a place of serenity. The haunting melodies resonated within him, allowing him to release the tension that had built up throughout the day. The music became a conduit for his inner turmoil, purging his mind of its burdens and leaving only tranquility in its wake.

In the corner of his eye, Jay noticed his friend Jake Shim playing the violin with an ethereal grace that stirred something deep within him. Their shared love for music had forged a powerful bond, and together, their instruments weaved a tapestry of emotions that left the audience enraptured.

From the piano, Lee Heeseung added layers of beauty to the performance. His delicate yet powerful touch on the keys added depth and richness to the melodic journey, making it impossible to resist being swept away by the music's allure.

As the night unfolded, Jay discovered that he wasn't alone in seeking solace within the embrace of the Oscar bar. The patrons, too, found healing and comfort in this magical haven. They shared stories, whispered dreams, and connected on a profound level that transcended the boundaries of time and place.

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