01 : Arrogant Boy

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Alarm clock rang out, piercing the peaceful silence of the room. The girl, named Seo Harin, slowly stirred from her slumber as the alarm woke her from her peaceful slumber.

With a groan, she pressed the snooze button and snuggled deeper under her warm blankets, unwilling to face the morning air that had filtered through the slightly window. it's was a chilly morning, and Harin shivered as she reluctantly rolled out of bed.

she's not a morning person. Mornings were never her favorite time of the day.

It had been weeks since Harin's dad, Mr. seo, received news that his job as a lawyer required him to transfer to Seoul, and the family had to moved, leaving behind their comforting life on Jeju. she was heavy to leaving her beloved hometown, friends, and school behind, but she knew it was necessary for her dad work and her future.

As the minutes ticked by, She managed to peel herself away from the warmth of her blankets, Harin would stumble through her morning routine like a zombie. Her eyes half-closed, she would brush her teeth and splash water on her face, hoping to wake herself up from the dreamy state she was still in.


Harin's stands in front of the full-length mirror, fresh out of the shower, wearing her school uniform white shirt with a navy maroon skirt and matching blazer.

Her dark eyes sparkle with excitement as she admires her reflection, noticing how the uniform accentuates her youthful charm. a smile spreading across her face. She carefully adjusts the collar, ensuring it lays perfectly against her neck.

After getting ready, she glanced at the clock, she realized that she only had a few minutes left to catching the school bus. Harin slung her backpack over her shoulder. rushed heads downstairs to the kitchen, She saw her mom, a loving woman, is humming a tune as she cooks up a delicious spread of food.

The aroma of freshly breakfast food permeates the air, filling the house with a comforting fragrance that makes her stomach rumble. Harin's dad, a friendly and supportive man, is setting the table, placing plates and utensils in their proper places. She smiled at the sight, grateful for their constant presence in her life.

Descends the staircase, the sound of her footsteps breaks the tranquility of the morning. Her mom turns towards her with a smile that lights up her face, greeting her with warmth and love. "Good morning, sweetheart."
her mom says, giving her a warm hug. "Did you sleep well?"

Her dad joins in with a chuckle "You look bright-eyed. Are you excited for your school today?" Harin nods eagerly, feeling energized by her parents.

As they sit down to breakfast,
Harin's mom pours her a cup of tea and gives her a slice of toast "You'll need your energy for the long day ahead, dear. Make sure to eat well."

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