Who's Really Walking the Dock of Shame?

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Hi! I'm back!
- I actually wrote this back in 2021 at the same time I wrote all the other TD fics but I thought it was TOOO self-indulge-y to post. I still think it's a little cringe, but honestly I also like it. I've also been getting a bit of interest on my other TD fics recently so I thought I'd release this one as well :)
- You'll notice what I mean when you realise how many characters had a crush on the MC lol
- Anyway! This takes place during the Camp Castaways episode (s1:e23) which, canonically, sees Mr Coconut walk the Dock of Shame.
- I hope the 4 other Chris Mclean enjoyers on this site like this one. I wrote two alternate endings bc I wasn't sure which one I liked more. I think I prefer the secondary (the "alternate" ending,) but they both feel a little awkward to me. Anyway, I'm posting both so you can see which you prefer.
- As per usual, EVERYONE is 18+ ok there's nothing sus or illegal goin - on that's the most cringe of all.
- Final note - the fic actually started at the goodbye section, and everything else before that I'd just speed-written to get the context out for myself. But then I got too into it?? So it's a bit rushed, I'm sorry. I hope it's still alright though <3
- Much love!

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Today had been a long day. A REALLY long day. And that's saying something when you're on Total Drama - where every day feels like it could last a lifetime (or potentially be the last of your lifetime). Today's challenges had just been that little bit more exhausting, that little bit more draining, and that little step closer to the end of the game. The final five contestants bickered and fought through their surprise survival challenge, before finally uniting in some sort of ritualistic confession session and accidentally scrambling back to camp. Y/N had been hit particularly hard that day, flopping down in their bunk as soon as they got back to their cabin. Gwen was quick to join them. A murmured greeting was exchanged before Gwen settled into her own bed. The pair had a comfortable silence for all of five minutes.

Best five minutes of the day in Y/N's mind.

Then Heather was in the cabin, but even she was too worn out to be as bitchy as usual. The real pain was Chris's voice over the loudspeakers, beckoning them all to the campfire, promising a grim choice and a goodbye. Everyone was dreading tonight's vote, as they'd made bonds that day. Even Chris felt a pang of guilt as he saw all five contestants trudge toward him, together. They were never together like this, but it was obvious today had been different.

Nobody expected Y/N to be the loser. Everyone voted, but nobody really thought. Even Chris seemed hesitant to read the votes and seal their fate. It was a loud ceremony, a lot of debate, but Y/N simply shrugged. They were crushed, but they'd be lying if they said they weren't the slightest bit pleased. The events preceding the ceremony had shattered them, and they weren't sure how much more they could push through.

They went back to their cabin and packed, alone. Alone with their thoughts. Their mind pulled them back to earlier that day, where they had confessed along with the others. Did that influence the vote? Did the others go back on their pact and vote for them because of it? They shook the thought to dismiss it, but it lingered. They sighed and looked around the cabin they'd been calling home for weeks. Packing was done. They gingerly touched the frame of the bunk bed they'd been sharing with Gwen.

As they stepped out of the cabin, however, all their lingering hurt melted. There in front of them, the final four contestants were gathered with a bag of marshmallows. Gwen immediately held one out to Y/N.

"If it were up to us, you would've got one of these earlier," Owen murmured.

"You'll wanna eat a couple fast before the big guy here gets the rest," Duncan rolled his eyes.

"Or before Chef finds us and kills us for stealing the marshmallows," Heather adds annoyedly.

And that began the goodbyes. There were lots of final high-fives, fist-bumps, and hugs. Even Heather gave Y/N a nod, which might be the nicest thing she's ever done. Y/N wasn't sure if their bones were cracked because of Owen's hug or Gwen's, but it didn't even matter. Chris appeared at some point (luckily the marshmallows were long gone) and said Y/N really had to go. The six of them went to the dock, where Y/N and Chris parted from the group and headed for the boat. However, the final four didn't fail to notice how long Chris and Y/N were taking and realized there might be something up, so they did the normal thing and hid.

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