Chapter 12

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Y/N Pov...
Not knowing what to say I just sit on the bed stuck in thought as a eerie silence takes over the room. Broken sobs tore me out of my head and back to reality, turning to face India I scoot to the top of the bed.
"Bubby stop crying please." I pleaded as I pulled her into my chest, we were leaning up with our backs against the headboard.

"What did I do wrong Y/N? I loved him with everything in me, am I not enough for him?" She turns to face me, tears still flowing down her face rapidly. Seeing her like this hurts me and it makes me feel some type of way I dont know what it is.

"Nuni look at me." I said grabbing her face softly and turning her to look up at me fully. Her eyes shot up as the old nickname rolled off my tongue easily, shocking her since I haven't called her that in years so she knows I'm serious. Wiping the tears off her now red face
with the pads of my thumb I stared at her before speaking.

"Say don't ever ask or wonder those types of questions about yourself, some people just don't know when they got something or someone good alright. Im not saying that it's ok that he did you like that but shit happens Indy. Your a smart, kind, beautiful lady you'll find somebody who really for you and only you just give it some time." I told her, everything I said was from the heart none but the truth, seeing her smile bought a smile to my face.

India's Pov...

Ughhh if my face wasn't red already she would be able to tell that I was blushing, seeing me smile made her cheese harder flashing her grillz at me. Durk's and I relationship hasn't been fine for a long time, but we tried to fix it by simply ignoring it on the strength of the love we had now it's completely broken there will be no more us.

My best friend has been there for me any time I called, needed something anything in general and I'll forever love her for that.

"I love you best friend." I said hugging her, if only she knew those words have a double meaning.

"I love you more Nuni. You don't even keep me sane." She told me looking down in my eyes making my stomach flutter. We pause and stare at each other, suddenly Taz's phone goes off loudly causing us to jump. I turn on the tv while we both lay down all the way with me snuggling back in her chest.

"Yo, what you want?" She questioned whoever was on the phone with straight attitude. Hearing a muffled voice on the other end I feel myself dozing off, all that crying got my ass tired. Taz saying Durk and Von's name made my ears perk up.

"I gotta go Indy but I'll wait til you sleep, I'm meeting up wit twin nem to talk bout this shit." All I do is nod my head and let sleep take over me...

Y/N Pov...

Feel her breathing get lighter I slowly slip out her grip and sit on the edge of the bed, opening up instagram I decide to post a pic or two.


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Nothing But Trouble Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora