4. He Was A Good Stalker

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His head was absolutely pounding as if someone was pounding a nail into him. Sweat covered every inch of of his body. The blanket to his bed laid on the ground. Small groans escaped his lips.

"Wake up!"

With a loud gasp, Midoryia opened his eye. He laid there, gasping for air before he rolled off the bed, laying on the ground. His tumble created a loud thump which was surely going to wake up a classmate.

"I'm hungry"

"You just ate" Midoryia replied to the stranger. "you can't even eat in the first place. So what do you want?" He sat up, putting his back to his bed. Sitting right in front of him was the only person he truly hated. Sitting on the ground with him was Tomura Shigaraki, peeking at Midoryia with his red eyes through his dirty white hair.

"What I want is you to relinquish control. But we both know you won't do that. So, I'll mildly inconvenience you. Like waking you up in the middle of the night, ruining your already messed up schedule" Tomura explained his plan with a smile on his face "and there's nothing you can do about it"

He was right. Midoryia stared at the man knowing there wasn't anything he could do. He was stuck with him. This was his punishment. Midoryia stood up, going over to his computer, opening it up.

"What are you doing?" Shigaraki asked, following Midoryia only to be ignored. "Going to speak with your therapist again?"

"She's not my therapist. That's what Midnight is for." Midoryia spoke as he powered it up and made few clicks. With his computer ringing, he got up to go grab a hoodie to cover his body and arms.

"Hey, Izu- ku? Where are you?" A woman asked as she appeared on the screen.

"I'm right here" he chuckled, sitting down with Tomura still behind him. "It's good to hear your voice again."

"Likewise" she smiled through the screen. Up in the right corner was the name of the woman on the screen. Melissa. "youre still not getting any sleep, are you?" She asked, examining the mess that Midoryia was.

"How did you know?" Midoryia asked with a tired smile

"It's written all over your face. I've seen in my dad and his workers all the time. For different reasons. But the look is the same. Is he still there?" Melissa asked, looking all over her screen as if she was searching for someone.

"He's still here" Midoryia sighed as Tomura leaned in, waving to Melissa despite being invisible to her. Melissa was the only person who knew about his little stalker. "I don't know what to do. I read that book Midnight suggested. It was just a bunch of bull."

"It couldn't be that bad. The only bad books out there are-"

"Supernatural phenomenons" the two finished Melissa's sentence together, small smiles on their faces.

"Well, listen to this" Midoryia reached over, grabbing a small book, flipping through the pages until he got towards the end "

"In such times, we can turn to the Lord. But it's good to have friends. And the good Lord knows there's much to be done here. Until then, god be with you." Midoryia read out from the book "it's called Baptized Twice" he said tossing the book off to the side.

"You don't believe in God?" Melissa asked, intrigued in Midoryia's beliefs

"No, maybe, I don't know. I don't know what to believe anymore. The book basically told me that one cannot love another until they love themselves. And i do think it's right. I care for a lot of people. But, I don't know how to care for them, if I don't know how to care for myself. In fact, I hate myself. So yeah, Im not sure what to even believe at this point" Midoryia went on a small rant about himself. Melissa clearly worried for the boy on the other side of the screen. She didn't have the words.

"Izuku, listen to me." Melissa scooted closer to the screen. "And look at me" she said, making Midoryia look back up at the screen. "Loving and caring for yourself may seem impossible. But, you have people who love and care about you. I know you cut contact with a lot of those people. Maybe the first step to loving yourself again is to re-establish contact with those people again."

Midoryia stared at the screen, taking in all the words being spoken to him. While it made some sense, he only thought it made sense because it came from someone he trusted.

"I don't think I can do that" Midoryia looked down with a sigh.

"Stop being a wussy and do as the woman says. We both know you're going to anyways" tomura hopped up on his desk, sitting next to the computer.

"Izuku, you risked your life by sending yourself at a giant cube ready to destroy an entire building. I saw it with my own eyes. I'm sure you have the courage and power to say hi to a few old friends. You're much stronger than you think you are. Not just physically. But mentally. All you have to is believe you can and go say hi. That's what I want you to do later. Just go say hi. I know you can do it. Because I believe in you" Melissa offered as smile as Midoryia stared at her through the screen.

"Yeah, I'll try" Midoryia returned with a small smile and nod

"If I hear you don't? Just remember we have a private jet" Melissa teasingly threatened Midoryia

"Yeah, got it" his smile only grew wider.

"Hey, Melissa. I looked over that paper of yours" an older man holding a piece of paper barged Into Melissa's workshop.

"I'll talk to you later, Izuku" Melissa gave Midoryia a quick goodbye before the screen went dark. Midoryia just stared at the black screen for a moment before the computer was shut.

"You should've just went for it" tomura said with his hand on top his laptop.

"Stop going through my memories." Midoryia demanded, taking his laptop from Tomura.

"Hey, we have business to discuss" Tomura hopped off the desk

"Oh yeah, since when?" Midoryia asked, turning around.

"The old woman" Tomura answered.

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