2. Don't Wake Me Up

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I just wanna run away. Get away from all this pain.

Maybe I'm just dead inside.

The beast awaken, stared at the ceiling of a bright room filled with medical equipment. The fur shaven off it's body. It's rusty claws and maws gone.

"You're lucky you don't have any diseases like Tetanus, Campylobacter, E. Coli, or anything else hiding in that mud or the blood that was all over you. Besides all those cuts that needed to be stitched and healed, you're a pretty lucky guy Midoryia" a man in a white coat explained while staring at a clipboard. "Your mother is here, would you like to see her?"

Staring at the ceiling still, the beast didn't give his answer. He remained in silence.

"Very well" The doctor respond, turning around so he could leave and give Midoryia time alone. He thought it was important for him to get his rest as it's been a long few hours for the doctors operating on him and his body trying to keep him alive. "You truly are a lucky man Midoryia" the doctor spoke one last time to the young boy laying on the gurney.

The doctor exited the room to a hallway filled with both adults and people Midoryia's age and even police officers.

"How is he doc?" A boy with red sharp hair asked, worried about his friend.

"He'll be fine. But as of now, there will be absolutely no visitors as he is a suspect of a crime" the doctor explained, motioning to the officers in the hallway.

"So, you're saying I can't see my baby boy?" A short chubby older woman with dark green hair asked the doctor as she approached him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. There's nothing I can do. The only personnel allowed in that room are doctors and the police. I'm afraid all you get is what you see through the window" the doctor explain as the woman stepped towards the door, looking through the window. Inside was her son staring up at nothing, his face covered in bruises and gauze.

"Excuse me ma'am" a tall man with a light goatee in armored police gear walked up to the woman. Another tall man with blonde hair stood behind him. The older woman looked up at the two men. Seeing the police vest, she hesitantly stepped to the side. With her out of the way, the two men stepped into the room with the beast.

She could do nothing but watch through the window as the two men approached the beast, standing over him like he was an animal at a zoo.

"I heard you'll be making a full recovery, Midoryia" the policeman spoke to Midoryia. But he got nothing but silence.

"Young Midoryia, all we want to know is-"

"Leave" the beast quietly spoke, interrupting the blonde man. It was the first thing he's said since his capture. "You know what I did and why I did it." The two men looked at each other and back to the beast on the bed.

The two men had decided to just turn their backs to the beast and walk a few feet. As he laid there, he could hear the two men whisper to each other. Though it was hard to hear what they were particularly saying. But whatever they were saying, they were done speaking.

"I'm sorry, young Midoryia" the blonde man turned to apologize to the beast before the two men took their exit.

Never Fade AwayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora