3. Find A Way

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Sitting by his lonesome self, a boy lifted up chopsticks to his mouth, slurping noodles. The boy sat alone at a lunch table. Students walked right past them to find their tables, many conversations were happening around him, and a few eyes were on him aswell. He ate in silence, slowly emptying his bowl of ramen.

The boy wore a pair of rectangular glasses, his hair cut short, bandages covering both of the entirety of his arms from shoulder to finger tips. He wore the schools uniform with the jacket over the back of the chair. The tank top he wore exposed the bandages on his arms.

As he sat there, he could feel something hit the side of his face. The hit barely made him flinch. It was something he expected daily. He just grabbed the napkin he had, using it to wipe off the mess on his face. There was no point in even looking at who threw the food at him. It was the same boy everytime.

Being done with his food, the boy stood up with his tray in hand. Marching over to one of the many trash bins, before he could reach it, the tray flew to the ground with a slam. Now, everyone had their eyes turned to the boy.

Standing in front of him was a large boy about his age. While he stared down at the lonely boy, he stared at his chest as if he wasn't even there.

"Pick it up" the large boy spoke up. But he got nothing but silence. "I said-" he leaned in closely to the boy "pick it up" he said with a little flick to the boys forehead.

"That's enough boys." A homeless man spoke up, walking over to the boys. With him walking over, everyone returned to their own business. The large big grumbled before taking his leave.

"I didn't need your help" the boy said, keeping his eyes on front of him. "and stop watching me. I don't need a baby sitter and you're not my teacher anymore. Watch over your own students."

The hobo and the boy stood there in silence for a moment, avoiding any form of eye contact. Nothing needed to be said for them both to walk away from each other. It was quiet the standoff at first. But now with them going separate ways, the area cooled down.

Making his way down the empty hallway, due to the lunch, the boy had a slouched posture and hands in his pockets. He didn't exactly know where he was going. But there was one place that was home for him.

The support shop.

Not even taking one step inside the large room, the smell of oil, grease, and metal burning filled his nose. This was his new home. Taking his second step in, there was an explosion. He expected to be knocked over and blown away. But Muscle memory kicked in, moving out of the way of the explosion.

Rubbing the soot off his arm, he wasn't surprised to see that in the middle of the explosion was his pink haired classmate. He wasn't the least but surprise who the culprit was.

"Mei, what is it this time?" He asked, taking a seat at his own table filled with supplies barely even acknowledging the explosion.

"Just mixed wires" the girl called out as the boy opened his notebook filled with a bunch of designs. Most of them crossed out or scribbled over.

"What did I tell you?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder to peak at the settling dust to see his female classmates standing in the middle of the chaos.

"No unnecessary electronics" she answered.

"Bingo" The boy sarcastically acclaimed while pointing his pencil in the air. With that settled, he turned to the next empty page.

"So, you finally going to make something today?" Mei asked approaching the boy.

"I don't know" he answered, scribbling down nonsense in the notebook.

"Well as long as you've been here, I haven't you make anything, Midoryia. It's kinda disappointing. I mean your table is still shiny" mei mentioned his table while feeling how polished and clean it still was.

"And if you don't do anything soon, I'll have to fail you and personally, I don't want that." A lanky man with orange hair spoke up coming out of nowhere.

"I have something. I'll have it soon." Midoryia promised as he kept scribbling.

"I'll hold you to that" the man said, walking away from his two students.

"You literally have nothing" Mei doubted making Midoryia growl, slumping in his chair.

"I don't have any actual ideas. I only joined this course to stay here. Maybe I should've joined the business class" Midoryia doubted even himself while staring at his paper.

Sure he had ideas. Lots of them. He has a lot of them jotted down in his hero journals. But it's been so long since hes even opened one of them that he didn't even know what they were anymore. Even if he did have an idea, when he got started on a prototype, I just turned out to be trash. Nothing more.

"You just need some inspiration. Go outside" Mei suggested with a bright smile on her face. Midoryia just looked at her as if she was stupid.

"Uh huh, I should definitely take that advice from someone who spends their entire week inside one singular room." Midoryia pointed out as Mei just froze in her spot. "That's what I thought" he said turning back to his book, getting right to work.

Never Fade Awayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें