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Tomorrow is thanksgiving. Wilbur, Tommy, and (Y/N) were out shoppin for ingredients for Phil and Techno, who were cookin tomorrows dinner.

"Wilbur, can I get this?"

Tommy held up a disk.


Tommy pouts and puts it back.

(Y/N) chuckles. Tommy glares at them.

Soon they got everythin and left.

(Time Skip)

They arrived home. Wilbur took the ingredients to the kitchen. (Y/N) and Tommy follows him.

"Phil, Wilbur wouldn't let me get a disk."

"You have a lot already."

Tommy pouts.

(Next Day)

(Y/N) walks downstairs. They see Phil in the kitchen doin the last of the prep work.

They go into the kitchen.

"Mornin Phil."

"Good morning (Y/N)."

They sit down and watch him.

"Should be done soon."


They look around.

"Are the others still asleep?"

"No, they went out somewhere."



Then the door opened. (Y/N) looks and smiles. They jumped up.


They run and hug her. Kristin hugs them back.

"Hello (Y/N)."

(Time Skip)

The boys returned just in time for dinner. Phil and Kristin set up the table. They sat down.

They all ate and had a good time.

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