Technoblade x Teen reader

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(Y/N) was hangin out with Technoblade. Which was just Techno workin, while (Y/N) watched.

"What do you need (Y/N)?"

"I'm bored."

"You're always bored."

"Your point?"

He sighs. (Y/N) smiles.

"My point is that I'm busy."

(Y/N) frowns.

They then go over and sit on his couch. Techno says.

(Time Skip)


(Y/N) jumped off the couch and ran towards him. He looks towards them.


"I need a flint and steel."


"To burn the thing in the livin room."

"You're not going to burn my house, and what thing?"

"In the livin room."

Techno get up and walks into the livin room. Then walks back to (Y/N), who was now holdin his sword.

"Put my sword down."


"You don't need a sword."

"If I can't have a flint and steel then I'll have a sword."

He sighs.

"If you don't put my sword down, I'll tell Phil."

"No, don't tell Phil."

"Put my sword down."


"You don't need a sword to kill a small spider."



Techno takes his sword. He puts his sword up high where (Y/N) couldn't reach it.

"Techno." (Y/N) whines.

"I'll take care of the spider."


He sighs.


They smile and hug Techno. Techno pasts their head.

"Thanks Techno."


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