Philza x teen reader (Memory loss) Pt 1

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Phil and (Y/N) were hangin out in the forest. Sorta like a father daughter bondin time thing. (Y/N) started to climb a tree.

"Becareful (Y/N)"

"I'll try."

(Y/N) placed a foot on a branch. The branch made a loud cracking noise. This caught Phils attention.

"(Y/N), maybe you should get down."

"It's fine."

The branch broke, (Y/N) fell. Phil wasn't fast enough. (Y/N) landed and hit their head, hard. They were now unconscious.

Phil ran over to them.


He picks them up. He flies back to his house. He lays them down on the couch.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) slowly woke up.


They look over at Phil. They tilt their head.

"Who are you?"

His eyes widen.

"What?" he breathes out.

(Y/N) looks around.

"Where am I?"

This was breakin Phils heart.

"You're at home."


Phil frowns.

'Jus how hard did they hit their head? When will they get better?'

"Who are you?"

This broke Phils train of thought.

"I'm Phil, your father."

They stare at Phil.

"Why did you call me (Y/N)?"

"That's your name."


Phil gives (Y/N) a hug. (Y/N) glances at him. He soon breaks the hug.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"I guess."

"I'll go make you a sandwich."

He then goes into the kitchen.

(Time Skip)

Phil came back with a sandwich and gave it to (Y/N). They took it. They ate it. Then they fell asleep.

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