Tommy and Tubbo x reader

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Tommy, Tubbo, and (Y/N) were hangin out.

"Ok, so, there are three ways to ask someone out." Tommy says.

Tubbo and (Y/N) look at each other.

"What are they?" (Y/N) asks.

"The right way, the wrong way, and the Tommy way."

"Isn't that the wrong way?" (Y/N) asks.

"Yes, it's just faster." Tubbo says.

Tommy turns and glares at Tubbo. Tubbo smiles. (Y/N) laughs.

"It's not funny." Tommy complains.

"It kind of is." comments Tubbo.

"No it's not."

Tubbo and (Y/N) laugh.

"Oh, you two are so dead."

Tubbo and (Y/N) look at Tommy. He pulls out a sword.

"Run?" (Y/N) asks.

"Run." Tubbo agrees.

Both start to run as Tommy gives chase.


"NOT A CHANCE!" (Y/N) yells

"(Y/N)! TUBBO!"

"NOPE." Tubbo yells.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) and Tubbo were currently hidin from Tommy.

"What now?" (Y/N) asks.

"We continue to hide."

"And if he finds us?"

"We find Phil or Techno."

"Sounds good."

Tubbo nods.

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