Special Day

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Y/N woke up to the soft morning light streaming through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. She turned to see Scarlett still peacefully asleep, her tousled hair framing her face. Today was a special day because it's Scarlett's birthday, and Y/N couldn't contain her excitement.

Y/N looked at her girlfriend and gently removed the hair from her face. She chuckled softly and caressed Scarlett's cheek, careful not to wake her. "Happy birthday, baby." She whispered.

After some time of admiring her girlfriend, Y/N carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to disturb Scarlett, who was blissfully unaware of the surprise awaiting her.

Suppressing a grin, Y/N tiptoed out of the bedroom, leaving a lingering kiss on Scarlett's forehead. As she made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't help but think about the elaborate plan she had hatched for Scarlett's birthday. Y/N had decided to play a little prank, pretending she had forgotten about the occasion, just to make the surprise even more memorable.

Y/N prepared a simple breakfast, trying her best to act nonchalant. And Scarlett eventually emerged from the bedroom, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning, babe." Y/N greeted, hiding her excitement behind a casual smile. I need to get out of here before I spill everything and just kiss her all day. She thought.

"Morning, love." Scarlett replied with a yawn, wrapping her arms around herself. "Anything special planned for today?"

Y/N shrugged, feigning indifference. "Not really. Just a regular day, you know? Just working as usual. Oh, I'm going home to my apartment after my meeting because I need to clean and do my laundry." She said.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Oh, okay then."

"Come here." Y/N said, opening her arms for Scarlett.

Scarlett walked towards her girlfriend and melted into her arms. She thought Y/N will finally greet her a happy birthday, but she thought wrong because Y/N just embraced her without saying anything.

"Um, baby?" Scarlett whispered.

"Hm?" Y/N hummed.

"Are you forgetting something?" Scarlett asked.

"Oh, of course." Y/N chuckled, then she sat Scarlett down next to her and gave her a kiss. "There. Good morning, my love." She said and smiled.

What? Scarlett thought and furrowed her eyebrows.

Trying not to give anything away, Y/N finished breakfast and excused herself, claiming she had an early meeting. Scarlett watched her leave with a puzzled expression, wondering if Y/N had truly forgotten. But little did she know, Y/N was on a mission to make this birthday unforgettable.

The day unfolded with Scarlett growing increasingly somber, thinking her girlfriend had genuinely overlooked her birthday. She told Y/N that all she wanted for her birthday this year is just them spending time together. But it looks like Y/N had forgotten.

Meanwhile, Y/N raced around town, organizing decorations, ordering Scarlett's favorite flowers, and arranging for a private space on the rooftop of the restaurant Scarlett loved.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange hue across the city, Y/N took a deep breath. She just came back to the restaurant after she went to her apartment to freshen up and wear Scarlett's favorite dress of hers.

"This is perfect." Y/N whispered to herself. The nerves began to set in as she double-checked every detail.

Finally satisfied, she sent a carefully worded message to Scarlett, asking her to meet at the rooftop of her favorite restaurant just before sunset.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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