Sunset - Part 2

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Y/N took a deep breath as she stood at the very place where Scarlett had broken her heart a year ago. She bit her lip while thinking about the past few months, it wasn't easy at all. She was stuck in a painful emotional cycle for months after her relationship with Scarlett ended, especially when she suddenly never got to see Scarlett's kids anymore, whom she had grown close to during their time together.

But despite the deep sense of loss and sadness she felt, Y/N knew that she had to find a way to pick herself up and move on. She started focusing on her career and spent time developing new hobbies. She also began to surround herself with supportive friends and family who could lift her spirits when she was feeling down. Although the journey was tough, Y/N slowly started to see positive changes in her life.

She found herself enjoying her job more, feeling more fulfilled by her hobbies, and appreciating the people in her life who cared for her. As time went on, Y/N realized that she was healing and beginning to move on from her heartbreak. And even though it was still hard to let go of the memories and the love she had for Scarlett, Y/N knew that she deserved happiness.

Y/N started humming to herself while admiring the sunset, something she stopped doing when she was in the depths of her heartbreak because she and Scarlett used to watch the sunset together, and the sun was also setting when Scarlett had broken things off with her. It was like endings after endings, so she stopped watching it while trying to move on.

"I knew you would come back here." A voice suddenly said, pulling Y/N out of her thoughts.

Startled, Y/N turned around to see Scarlett standing behind her. For a moment, Y/N's heart skipped a beat as memories of Scarlett flooded back.

But then she took a deep breath and reminded herself of how far she had come. Y/N knew that seeing Scarlett again could potentially send her back into the painful emotional cycle she had worked so hard to break free from, but she also knew that she was strong enough to handle it.

"I always come here, hoping you'll be here too," Scarlett continued, her tone hesitant. "You blocked me on everything after our breakup, so I didn't know how else to find you."

"I needed space and time to heal," Y/N replied calmly. "I couldn't keep holding onto something that was hurting me so much."

"I'm so terribly sorry for hurting you," Scarlett said sincerely. "I've missed you so much."

Y/N nodded. "You wouldn't be missing me if you didn't break my heart in the first place. So, I don't know why you're telling me that."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I really am. A-And I broke up with him for good just two weeks after our breakup. I realized that I made a mistake and that I still love you. You're the only one I want to be with. Please, give me another chance. Please." Scarlett said, begging Y/N to take her back.

Y/N thought she would feel a rush of emotions like she might have before, but instead, she felt calm and peaceful.

"Say something, please." Scarlett urged, looking at Y/N expectantly.

Y/N took a deep breath and looked at Scarlett with a small smile. "I thought that I needed your apology, I thought that was what I needed to find closure. But I realized that I don't. Your sorry doesn't change what happened between us in the past, you broke my heart, Scarlett. That's the decision you made. But I've moved on from that pain, and the person I am now is in a different place than when we were together."

Tears formed in Scarlett's eyes as she heard Y/N's words. "I love you. I shouldn't have let you go."

Y/N hummed, raising an eyebrow for a second, then she looked at the sunset. "The last time I was here, I was crying my eyes out. I felt like the pain would never go away. You broke my heart, burying it with the sun that was setting. You filled my heart with darkness, even the moon couldn't make it shine again."

Scarlett looked at Y/N with regret. "I'm so sorry. I can never undo what I did to you, but I just want you to know that the person who hurt you before is not who I am now. I'll prove it to you if you give me a chance."

Y/N smiled at Scarlett softly. "I believe you. But, it doesn't change the fact that I've moved on. I've grown and learned from the pain you caused, and I have found happiness and peace in my life without you. And that's saying something because my happiness used to be dependent on you. I used to imagine us growing old together, you know? Our future. And believe me, it wasn't easy forgetting that. Forgetting you."

Scarlett sobbed.

Y/N took a deep breath. "You were the love of my life. It was so hard to forget you, Scarlett. So, I didn't. I just slowly accepted that you made a choice for yourself, and that choice of yours broke my heart. I just learned how to accept it and slowly move on from that pain."

"Please, Y/N... I-I'll show you, just one more chance." Scarlett said.

"I'm sorry," Y/N replied firmly, "But I can't go back to the past. Next time, remember to appreciate what you have before it's gone." She said gently.

Scarlett wiped her tears, but they kept falling.

"I hope you find peace and happiness too, Scarlett. And I mean that. After all, you did make me happy when we were together. You were my love, and I was yours. At least, I hope I was." Y/N said and chuckled softly.

"O-Of course, Y/N! I loved you, and I still do!" Scarlett said, "Please? One more chance, Y/N. Y-You said before that you took a risk because you wanted me, you wanted us. P-Please, Y/N, can't you take a risk again?"

"Risk again? Maybe someday," Y/N said. "But not with you, Scar."

Scarlett sobbed but nodded. Y/N made it clear to her that she doesn't want her back, and she can't blame Y/N. She broke Y/N's heart. And it was something that she will always regret.

"Okay. But I just want you to know that I'll always regret losing you, and I'll always love you." Scarlett said.

Y/N gazed at the horizon as the sun dipped below it, casting a warm, orange glow. "And I want you to know that I'll never regret taking that risk just to have you. I loved you, and you made me happy. You changed something in me, and you showed me many colors of love. That's..." She took a deep breath and looked at Scarlett, "That's something I'll always thank you for. But, as I said, this is it for us. Let's not completely color our memories in black and white. I want to remember every color with you. You hurt me pretty bad, Scar, but you still hold a special place in me."

"Oh, god." Scarlett cried.

"Goodbye, Scarlett. Take care of yourself and your kids." Y/N said and gave Scarlett a small nod and smiled one last time.

As Y/N walked away, the memories of her love with Scarlett echoed in her mind, like an old tune she couldn't quite forget. The setting sun now painted the sky in hues of red and gold, a reminder of the passion they had once shared.

In the distance, Scarlett stood alone, tears streaming down her face, watching the person who had been her everything slowly fade into the horizon. The evening breeze carried away their shared history, and as the sun sank further below the horizon, it cast long shadows, a reflection of the love that once was but could never be again.

Y/N continued her journey forward, her heart bearing the scars of a love lost and the wisdom of a heartbreak endured. In that moment, with the sun setting behind her and the world stretching out before her, she knew that she was finally free from the chains of her past.

The memories of love and heartbreak would forever linger in her soul, etching themselves as bittersweet poetry, a testament to the depth of human emotions. And sure, the pain was still there, a ghostly ache, a reminder of what had been, but it no longer defined her. She had found her strength, her resilience, and the promise of new beginnings.

With one last glance back, Y/N took a deep breath and whispered her final farewell to her sunset, the green-eyed beauty. "Goodbye, Scarlett."

And with that, she turned to face the future, ready to embrace whatever it might hold, and no longer bound by the shadows of a love that once was, but could never be again.


Author: as someone who is healing from the same heartbreak, I think I like how this one ends😌 and I hope y'all like this one as well! Have a great day/night, loves. Stay safe. Xo

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