sound of the heartbreak!

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Vegas reached home and threw the lunch he made for kinn. If vegas was not worthy of love then kinn didn't deserve to be loved. If he hated vegas this much why did he give him hope, why did he came close to him, his care, concern,affection everything was fake.

He was crying after decades...he never cried since he consoled himself with the fact that this was his life filled with blood, filled with wars, filled with cruelty but when kinn came to his life...everything changed, he changed,his life changed, his heart changed and now when he finally fell in love with him suddenly it meant nothing for kinn.

"WHY, WHY, WHY...WHY YOU CAME TO MY LIFE. IF YOU HATED ME SO MUCH THEN WHY YOU CAME CLOSE TO ME..WHY YOU SHOWED CARE TO ME" as he threw the flower vase located nearby on the floor. He was filled with rage, eyes were red like blood soaked in tears he was angry..he was heartbroken..he wanted to hate kinn like he did before but he knew it was not possible.

"You broke me..still i can't hate you, i want to kill you but if i do i will be dead too. I want to snatch your breath from you but if i do so my breaths will stop too..i want you to leave from my life but even if you do so you will take my heart with you" as he helplessly sat on the floor with his blood covered hands.

In kinn's office:-

Kinn's secretary knocked on his office door "May i come in sir?" she asked as kinn nodded "come in" he said as his secretary came and asked "sir you called me?" as kinn said "i am hungry, go bring me something" as the secretary looked at him confused as she asked "sir..i am sorry if i sound disrespectful but didn't you had your lunch that brought for you?"
as kinn smiled instantly saying "Vegas is here...where is he?" as the secretary looked at him confused and said "sir he was here before sometime and he even brought lunch for you" as kinn looked clueless and said "what, but i didn't see him! why did he left without meeting me? and you guys should have called me first when he came, why didn't you did that?" as the secretary said "sir we are really sorry but we thought he wanted to surprise you that's why we didn't call you" as kinn took a deep breath and said "fine you can go now" as she went from there.

Kinn immediately called vegas but groaned when it said 'switch off' "gosh!vegas i hope you are fine" as he sat on his chair when someone placed a hand on his shoulder "What's wrong buddy?" as kinn said "Nothing's just that vegas came here but left without meeting me and i am really worried about him" as mark said "Then go, it's evening already..i am here for a whole month, and i am your business partner too now so we will meet frequently" as kinn nodded hugging his friend before parting their ways.


Kinn reached the meeting where his both clients were sitting as they sat up and greeted him warmly. Mr. luke and kinn have met 1 or 2 time in business parties but kinn has never met Mr mark personally since he was totally America based what surprised him there was mark was his friend from childhood so kinn was really happy to see him there after the meeting mark stayed there to catch up with his friend.

"So good to see you bro" mark said as kinn replied "right after such a long time" as mark asked "Married already" noticing the ring on kinn's hand as kinn nodded blushing. "Ooo who's that lucky man?" as kinn replied "Vegas" as mark widened his eyes "Vegas? are you serious bro you guys never got along well and you guys hated each other and now you are saying you married your cousin/enemy and currently you are blushing like seriously? don't tell me you love him" as kinn chuckled saying "He is an ass for sure. i hated him all my life he is irritating and annoying but i love him. I don't know how and when i fell for him but i love him more than anything in this whole universe. He is caring, he is reliable, he is sweet, he completes me. i want to make myself better for him...he have my whole existence. i worship him, i admire him, i need him like oxygen to breathe, i need him to live, i need him to die"

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