Sweet night, bitter misunderstanding!

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"What surprise?" vegas asked furring his eyebrows as kinn looked at him with a done face "If i tell you about the surprise, it won't be a surprise anymore" he said as vegas made a annoyed face.

"Vegas,plzz spare me for now..i still need to arrange everything" kinn pleaded with a cute face as vegas sighed  nodding his head even tho he badly wanted it but he wanted to know what surprise his kitty aka wifey is planning for him.

"Now..get off me i want to prepare your surprise" kinn said pushing vegas away from him as vegas looked at him teasingly and said "Do whatever you want to do now as in night i will not hear anything else from your mouth apart from moans and my name" as kinn left shaking his head knowing his husband will do that for sure.

Time skip:- (night time)

It was night already and kinn was still not here. Vegas thought to himself "Did he fool me in the name of Surprise or what? where is he?" as he felt someone's hands closing his eyes, he flinched a little but sighed in relief when he smelled the familiar smell of his husband.

"I am going to kidnap you Mr. vegas" kinn said and laughed mimicking those typical villains in the movie as Vegas played along as he shouted "What wrong did i do with you? please leave me. Help somebody help me, this man is kidnapping me" as kinn giggled from behind shaking his head by the dramatic behavior of his husband.

"Kinn, where were you all the time?" Vegas asked as kinn replied from behind, his hands still covering vegas's eyes "To prepare your surprise, come with me" as he carefully guided Vegas outside.

"Aish..just tell me where we are going?" he said as kinn replied "Somewhere special, don't worry i won't let you fall" as vegas replied "I know you will not let me fall" and this simple line was enough to make kinn smile the widest smile he ever had

Loving someone is not easy..it needs loyalty, devotion, care, cooperation, communication, respect and most importantly Trust because trust is earned, the reliance..the faith on the person you love is the beauty of love and kinn felt the same when Vegas said it so naturally, so faithfully that it made kinn re-swear his promise of protecting Vegas no matter what happens.

They walked to the rooftop of their house which was more likely a whole ass tall building as kinn said "Now you open your eyes" he said as vegas opened his eyes as his lips stretched into a smile seeing the scene in front of him. Kinn planned a candlelight dinner
for him and even decorated a cozy tent for them to spend the night here. The whole place was beautifully decorated  flowers, candles and lights and vegas was awestruck by it.

"You liked it?" kinn asked as vegas replied "You still need to ask? gosh i love it..so beautiful" as kinn smiled saying "Come let's eat our dinner then" as they both sat on their tables in front of each other.

The thing is if kinn hasn't prepared all this still the surroundings would have been this beautiful. The night was on it's peak.....as the moon was on it's full glory, shining brighter than it ever did and stars forming a pattern of heaven.
Birds chipping sounds can be heard as they sang the melodies of love and the fact that their villa is kinda close to sea(not that they lived near the sea, but it can be seen from the rooftop)as the moonlight reflected on its bank made it more magical.

They both had their dinner in silence as they stood admiring the scenery and the beauty of nature. It's was like they didn't know what to say anymore..their hearts was beating loudly too overjoyed from the presence of being with the love of their lives.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" kinn asked as vegas replied looking towards kinn "Yeah, so gorgeous, elegant and lovely" as kinn blushed lowering his eyes as vegas continued "I just want to keep looking at it" as kinn nodded his head saying "Moon is the symbol of love, compassion and beauty" as vegas replied "Yeah..the nature is really magical" as he placed his hand in front of kinn and asked "Wanna have a dance again?" as kinn replied raising his eyes "We just danced in the morning didn't we?" as vegas rolled his eyes and said "stop ruining my mood for god's sake and dance with me" as kinn gave his hands on vegas's hand.

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