More than words ever will!

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It's have been a week since vegas got shoot in his heart and within a week he recovered really fast. Having kinn by his side..he felt happy and satisfied.

Vegas wanted to confess those 3 magical words as soon as possible. Although he is a bit scared about kinn's reaction still he wanted to confess what he feels. Vegas din't care about the setting, planning at all. It doesn't matter anymore he just wanted to hold kinn's hand on his own and say "I LOVE YOU KINN VEGAS THEERAPANYAKUL" and have kinn all for himself, forever.

"Vegas" a voice called him and vegas smiled as he immediately understood whose voice it was. It was kinn, the love of his life. His angel, his his only motive to live.

kinn smiled widely as he waves his hands towards vegas as he started walking towards him. After many days kinn saw vegas in  his formal  outfit as all this week he was wearing a patient's outfit.

Kinn looked at vegas lovingly as he checked him from top to bottom "we are going home today" he said as vegas pulled him for a hug. Gosh! today he looked so adorable.

"You are looking so cute in pink..even your smell is so good..let's go home already i wanna do it" vegas said impatiently ready to walk out from here holding kinn.

Kinn widened his eyes in disbelief as he pulled vegas back and said ,"Gosh! calm down will you? you just recovered and started your pervert activities again. You are behaving as if you are a virgin. Have some patience, it have just been a week"

"Hell yeah a whole week..gosh we could have sex 1000 times in this days. Also i want to drink leeettt's go i can't wait more" vegas said so casually, as if it's very normal to have sex 1000 times in a week, Fuck it.

"This man will wish to have sex before dying...i am sure. nor he will die without having it neither he will let me die without having it" Kinn thought and he actually was being honest.

"Vegas you had it just last night before sleeping" kinn asked as vegas replied "Correct last night and now it's been 12 hours since then. I am hungry again, where the hell is that doctor?" as kinn facepalmed.

"Now, i suddenly regret falling for him. His mouth have no filter or what" kinn thought again as he shook his head.

"Hello Mr. Kinn and Mr vegas how are you feeling now?" the doctor came and he asked the couple. "Hi doc" both greeted him as vegas replied to the 2nd question "I am fine doctor, thanks to you and my family specially my husband" and winked at kinn...who gave a tight smile to vegas and nodes to doctor.

"Ok are all good to go home" the doctor said as vegas nodded and said "Yup i am fit and can we leave please?" as the doctor chuckled at him and said " can" as vegas held kinn's hands on his own and left for their home.

Inside the car

"I missed home and homemade food" vegas said as kinn smiled at him "You are right everybody missed you..hia, kim,macau,porchay Porsche and even Street dogs missed you" he laughed after saying the last line as vegas rolled his eyes and said "You must be of their race if you understand street dogs so well" as he mimicked kinn's laugh.

Soon, they reached home as kinn walked inside the home followed by vegas.

Vegas widened his eyes as he walked inside the house. The house was beautifully decorated with golden lights and candles were placed all over, the floor was decorated with red rose petals as in the middle there was written 'Welcome back'.

Vegas kept looking around awestruck when kinn came with a cake in his hands. "Here..come let's cut it" kinn called out as vegas looked at him and asked in a surprised voice "You did all this?" as kinn nodded "Yeah..i-i thought to surprise you" he said as vegas kept staring at him " didn't like it or what?" as vegas shook his head immediately and replied "No, no i like it infact i love it. Thank you so much" as kinn smiled and said "I am happy you liked it. come let's cut the cake" as they cutted the cake and fed each other.

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