It didn't take long for them to reach to building, it looked somewhat run down from the outside with a thick red stripe running along the building slightly below where the middle would be. 'RED' was written above a set of double doors, which were presumed to be the main entrance. They walked toward the doors and instead of being pulled out or pushed in the doors slid open. The Assassin looked at the entrance puzzled before Miss Pauling gestured them inside. There was a hallway leading to the main room, though it was short, for The Assassin it felt like it went on for a lifetime. Once in the room there was an area that looked like a large Livingroom to the left, on the far side of it there was another hallway that looked to be where the bedrooms would be. On the right there was a kitchenette, a fair bit bigger than one you'd find in a hotel room, on the far side of it there was another hallway, across from the one on the left, this one could only be where a training room and possible medical bay could be. However this large room was empty and there were no noises coming from either of the hallways.

"Where is everyone?" The Assassin asked.

"Must still be at the other base." Miss Pauling responded.

"Other base?" 

"Yes there are several other bases that they get shipped off to depending on where the information we need is. They should be back in few."

"Sounds fun." The Assassin sighed.

"In the mean time why don't you head down to your room," Miss Pauling said handing keys to The Assassin, "And get your things put away, I think one or two more boxes are still on the way."

Miss Pauling walked back out the door, possibly to welcome the arrival of the other teammates, as the doors closed the Assassin sighed and looked at the key. '10' was engraved on the key, the number of the door the key went to. Walking to the area between the two hallways, looking down the one to the right her assumption was correct. There was a metal door at the end of the short hallway, there were two sets of double doors on either side, the one on the left had a red cross with a circle around it painted on connecting the doors, the one on the right had a sign above it, it read 'Cafeteria'. She turned to her left and looked down the longer hallway, seemingly empty other than two hallways either side and thick metal door at the end. Walking down the hall she looked to her right, large wooden doors stood at the end with metal doors to either side. Looking to her left, doors lined the long hallway. She began to walk down the hall looking to her left the first door read '1', looking to her right, the first door read '2'. She walked keeping her eyes to the right '4...6...8...',

"Finally" She said unlocking the door.

The room was fairly clean for supposedly not being used. There was a bed on the right wall, looked like a queen size, a closet with a folding door was across from it. On the far side of the closet was another door possibly the bathroom, well at least there were private bathing areas. She took the bag from her shoulder and slung it down by the bed, upon fully entering the room there was a small desk and chair next to door on her left. She flopped her body across the bed and closed her eyes, only for a second. When she opened them there were 3 medium sized boxes lined up against the side of the bed hidden from view of the door. She sighed got up and went to her bag to look for her pocket knife to open the taped up boxes. She grabbed the knife and headed for the boxes.


It had been about an hour since she got there, everything was unpacked and put in its proper place. There was only silence, she began to wonder where everyone was. The sound of the main entrance door opening brought her out of thought, the sounds of men talking filled the base. There were accents from all over Southern, Boston, Russian, German, French, Scottish, and others that couldn't be placed, as well as mumbling and a very muffled voice. She got up grabbed the coat that she had hung across the chair, at the desk, and opened the door and began to walk down the hallway; the talking was much louder than she had expected. Before she reached the end of the hallway Miss Pauling's voice raised above the rest quieting the loud men.

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