thirty eight

108 2 5

"You're pregnant".


"Sorry?" I exclaimed in panic. "No, no you're joking".

No, no, no. JJ doesn't want a fucking kid, not yet anyways. What the fuck is Harry going to think, first of all I get with his best friend behind his back and now he's fucking knocked me up. I am completely fucked.

"Shocking, I know. But yes, you're pregnant Miss Lewis" Doctor Adams replied.

I sighed, "Well, thank you for letting me know".

"Of course, make sure to give us a call if you need anything" Adams replied warmly, "Have a good day", he finished as the line ended.

No, no, no. Seriously, this isn't the right time for this at all. I'm going on tour in a few weeks, Jide's career is literally popping off, we've been together what- four, five months now? God, why have you done this to me, now.

My breathing started to get heavier and heavier, faster and faster. My tender hands uncontrollably shaking in panic. Sacred tears began to travel down my cheeks, my eyes starting to go slightly blurry.

"Keep yourself together" I whispered faintly to myself. The front door started to open, I ran back upstairs I could not let anyone see me like this.

"I'm home!" JJ announced in a cheerful manner, "Babe?" He questioned as he noticed I had rushed upstairs.

And with that, I began to run even faster to my room – I immediately locked the door.

My heart is pounding in my chest, I can barely breath I feel like I'm going to collapse. I'm shaking all over, travelling all the way from my toes up to my tender, shivering jaw.

A loud knock on the door, a worried voice from Jide, "Can I come in?".

My eyebrows suddenly shot up in panic, "One sec" I croaked between short breathes.

"Babe, are you crying?" JJ asked, concerned. "Let me in, please".

My eyes felt like they were on fire, I continuously blinked hoping the tears and fear would go away. I just couldn't face him, not right now.

"I'm fine" I replied, trying to calm myself down.

"You don't sound fine? Let me in please, I just want to make sure you're okay".

"JJ I promise I'm okay" I replied, shakily. "I just need some time, to myself".

Jide sighed, "Whatever you say".

His voice began to slowly fade away as I heard footsteps jog down the stairs.

It may sound selfish, but I just couldn't face him, not now, not yet. Surely, he can't want a fucking kid now, he's going to end up breaking up with me, what the fuck am I gonna do then?

I slowly walked into my bathroom, dreading the state of my face. As I had suspected, mascara smudges straight down my face, my eyes are so puffy, they look swollen.


JJ's pov

"I'm fine" Noelle replied, not very convincingly.

"You don't sound fine? Let me in please, I just want to make sure you're okay".

I'm worried about Elle, I really am. As soon as I walked in the door she ran upstairs, and now she won't even let me see her. Something's definitely wrong.

"JJ I promise I'm okay" She replied, shakily. "I just need some time, to myself".

I sighed, "Whatever you say".

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