twenty two

168 1 0

Lust and Love - the only way I can describe it.


Yesterday was, a lot. I didn't expect it to turn out the way it did, but I'm glad I finally told someone about it. I just really hope Jack doesn't find out.

"Morning" JJ says in a tired, croaky voice.

"Morning" I smiled.

"I have something for you" He spoke.

Well, that came out of no where, "Do you?"

He walked over to his desk and grabbed a box, he then handed it to me. "What's this?" I questioned.

He laughed, "Just open it"

I opened it slowly to find a box full of confetti. The confetti then revealed both our passports and plane tickets attached to them.

"The Maldives?" I exclaimed.

He laughed, "We leave tonight, 7pm"

I immediately hugged him, "Thankyou, I love you"

"After last night, you deserve to relax, I love you more" He whispered into my shoulder.

After everything that happened last night I thought he would've been mad, but I never would've expected this.


A few hours later..

"I can't believe he surprised you with tickets to the Maldives! He really loves you" Talia exclaimed.

"I know, I really wasn't expecting it" I laughed.

"You have to send us pics!" Freya giggled.

I smiled, "Don't worry I will"

Harold comes waddling in, "Hiya"

"Omg, I haven't told you yet" I laughed

"Uh, told me what exactly? Harry replied, looking very confused.

"JJ and I are going to the Maldives, he surprised me!" I said excitedly.

"And where was my invite?" He laughed, "Nah jokes, have fun" He smiled.

"Anyway, you girls want to help me pack?"

"Of courseeee" They exclaimed.


Some time later..

Usually it doesn't take me this long to pack, but with Talia and Frey we got very distracted.

"Done, finally" I sighed.

"Omgggg, you leave in less than two hours!" Talia squeeled. She and Freya were very excited for me.

"Already? Omg time has gone quick" I laughed, "I best get ready"


A few minutes later, Talia and Freya had gone back downstairs.

I have no idea what to wear. Something comfy ?

I've picked out some black leggings, a black hoodie and some comfy trainers. Topped with a denim jacket and a basic black bag. And why don't we throw in some sunglasses for fun ?

 And why don't we throw in some sunglasses for fun ?

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Very basic, but who cares?

Jide walked into the room, "You look cosy" He laughed.

I giggled, "I'm so excited it's unreal"

He walked over and engulfed me in a much-needed hug.


An hour-ish later..

"Byee guys, have fun" Talia said happily.

I hugged her, "Thankyou, see you all soon!"

"In a bit guys" JJ laughed.

Harry walked over, "Have fun" He smiled.

I then hugged him, "I'll miss you bog"

A few minutes later JJ and I walked out of the door to go catch our cab, "It's time" Jide smiled.


Around an hour later, they arrived at the airport.

@ksi's story

@ksi's story

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