twenty three

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Around an hour later they arrived at the airport.


We finally arrived at the airport after a very long journey, but first we had to get our bags checked. 


"JJ, what gate are we at?" I asked.

He just laughed, "Follow me"

I swear this man confuses me more and more each day.

I followed him for about five minutes or so and he led me through a terminal which was empty?

"Surely not" I whispered.

We reached the end of the terminal, "Ten hour flight here we come" He laughed.

"You know we could've just booked a normal flight?" I said, very confused.

"Like I said, you deserve to relax" He smiled as he placed his arm around my shoulder.

A tall, middle-aged man walked over to greet us, "Hiya, can I take those bags for ya? He asked cheerfully.

We handed him our suitcases and thanked him, "Head on aboard!" He replied.

We walked on over to the plane where we were greeted by a flight attendant,  "Welcome aboard, enjoy your flight!"

We both smiled and went up the stairs, "I can't believe it's finally happening" I said.

"Me neither, I cannot wait" JJ smiled.


10 hours later..

"We have now arrived at our final destination, please be ready to leave the plane, thankyou!" The flight attendant spoke into the speaker.

JJ and I had only just woken up, we had been asleep most of the flight. "We're here already?" Jide asked with a tired, croaky voice.

"I suppose we are" I laughed.

We exited the plane and we were aroused with a beautiful, warm, awakening, breeze. This doesn't feel real at all, it's everything I could have ever dreamt of.

JJ lets out a grateful sigh, "Heaven"

"I know, what a dream" I replied cheerfully.


We went to collect our luggage but now we just need a ride to the hotel we're staying at. Which I have no clue about, this was all Jide. "Should we go get a cab?" I asked.

He just laughed, "I've rented a car, silly".

"Shit really" I laughed, he really went all out.

"Follow me" He smiled. He led me to the car rental place and began speaking the receptionist.

"Hey, I've booked a car for 5 days under the name Olajide" He spoke.

"Hiya, lovely let me just have a look on the system! Sir name?" She smiled.

"Olatunji" He replied.

I just laughed. I've never heard him use his legal name before. It's usually KSI or JJ.

"Alright, can I see some ID?" The lady asked politely.

He grabbed his passport out of his pocket and handed it to the lady.

"Yep perfect, the Jeep correct?" She spoke.


"Alrighty! Here are the keys, the Jeep is in car space 41. Enjoy the ride" She smiled joyfully.

"Thanks" He smiled. He turned around to face me, "Off we go"

We walked for a few minutes and we found our space, 41. It was an elegant Jeep. What a beauty it was.

"Jesus, you didn't have to do this, we could've gotten cabs everywhere" I chuckled

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"Jesus, you didn't have to do this, we could've gotten cabs everywhere" I chuckled.

"Now, we can go on late night drives together that you always love" He smiled.

I sighed, "Ah I love you"


After about 40 minutes, we arrived to the place we were staying.
And let me tell you it was even better than the car, it was perfect.

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