thirty seven

107 1 7

"Are you going to forgive him?"

I thought for a moment. "D'you know what. Yes".

He is blood after all, and what am I kidding, I kind of missed him. And, I think he missed me too.


About a Week Later

When will this pain go away? Why is this happening? I thought I was doing better again. This is the fourth day in a row that I've been throwing up every morning, seven am on the dot. When will this stop? What is wrong with me?

I've started eating properly again, even if it takes longer to eat a full meal than it used to, small steps at a time. I was finally starting to feel better in myself, but for the last four days I've been nonstop throwing up and feeling nauseous 24/7.

"Babe?" I heard Jide say croakily, I had probably woken him up.

"I'm fine, go back to sleep" I whispered slightly, from the bathroom.

I sat at the toilet with my head in my hands, rubbing my eyes. "Are you okay?" Jide said wandering into the bathroom.

"I'm alright, just go back to sleep babe" I sighed. I can't believe I've just woken him up.

He started to rub my back comfortingly, "No it's alright, I'm here".

"Can we go back to bed?" I whispered.

"Of course, come on" He said grabbing my hand helping me up.

We both laid on the bed, him wrapping his arms around me rubbing my lower back in the process. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry" I sighed, "I'll be fine".

My eyes flickered closed, falling straight asleep.

"You've been throwing up for the past how many days now?" Jide whispered
"Oh, you've fallen asleep" He slightly laughed.


A few hours later.

Four days in a row now, what the fuck is going on?

The weird thing is, I feel fine for the rest of the day. I swear my daily routine is just vomiting at seven and then just a normal day. What an earth.

I feel like I'm in hospital again, this is unreal.

Today is my checkup appointment, so hopefully I can also find out why my whole bloody routine is fucked.

I've just finished straightening my hair and now time to pick an outfit, the most stressful part.


JJ's pov

Tobi, Ethan, Harry and I were sat in the kitchen talking about video ideas, "We need to do another tinder man" I laughed.

"I know, it got hella views" Tobi agreed.

"No" Harry immediately added.

I let out my maniac laugh, "It's not that bad bog".

"It is, it really is" He laughed, "It's too awkward".

"It's jokes though" Ethan laughed.

"Eh, I suppose" Harry laughed in reply, along with Tobi and I.

"I can drive myself there, thankyou though Tal" I heard Noelle say from the living room. Where is she going?

I saw her stroll past the kitchen heading towards the front door, I immediately caught up to her. "Leaving without saying goodbye?" I laughed.

"Never" She smiled, "I'm in a rush, sorry".

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, it's my checkup appointment with Adams today" She laughed.

"Are you sure you're alright to go?" I asked her, "I could drive you".

"No it's alright, I'm okay now" She smiled, planting a soft kiss on my delicate cheek.

"Alright, drive safe I love you".

"I love you, see you later" She smiled, rushing out the door.


Noelle's pov

"Noelle Lewis?" Doctor Adams called out.

"Yes" I said awkwardly, then following him along.

"So how are we feeling?" Adams asked, looking straight forward at me.

"I'm actually doing so much better" I smiled, "I'm starting to eat full meals again".

"I'm so glad to hear that" Doctor Adams smiled, "Have you been feeling dizzy, nauseous at all?"

"I mean, yeah" I sighed, "Oh yeah that's what I wanted to bring up, I've been throwing up in the mornings for the past four days".

"Oh really? Ah, I see".

"Right, I'm going to run some blood tests, I'll be back in just a second".

I nodded in response; I hope it isn't anything too serious.

Doctor Adams strolled back into the now, silent room with a large needle and some plasters.

"Alright, are you alright with needles?" Adams asked.


"Okay, three, two, one" Adams counted down, then pushing the needle into my arm right near my veins.

I felt a tight pinch, but other than that it was okay.

"I can't give you the results right now, so I'll either let you know later today or tomorrow morning" Adams added.

"Okay. Thankyou!"

"No problem, is there anything else that has been bothering you?" Adams asked.

"Hm, no I don't think so".

"Perfect, just make sure to give us a call if you ever have any problems" Adams said sincerely.

"Yeah, of course" I replied warmly.

"I'll speak to you soon, have a good day" He smiled.



"Yeah, they're gonna call me in a bit to let me know the results I guess" I laughed.

"Ah, okay" Talia replied, "Wait, did you see you've had morning sickness for four days in a row now?"

"Yeah?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Are you sure it's not you know, pregnancy?" Talia asked, even more awkwardly.

"Oh fuck off, definitely not" I laughed. "Impossible"

"I'm just saying" Talia held her hands up in defence, while chuckling along with me.

My phone started ringing, oh here we go.

"Speaking of" I laughed as I wandered out of the room to take the call.

"Hello, Miss lewis".

"Hiya" I replied, warmly.

"So, we have your results back" Adams sighed. "And it's definitely not what we were expecting".

"Oh, is everything okay?" I asked, worryingly.

"You're fine, you're healthy" Adams replied, "But we do know why you've had morning sickness for the past four days".

"You're pregnant". 

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