thirty six

106 1 3

Me: anyway, you heard of Harry? Xx

JJ <3: Actually yes

JJ <3: he's back and he wants to talk to you, like asap x

Me: Oh ffs

What could he possibly want? I swear to God, if he's with Summer. Shit is about to go doooown.


I'm about five minutes away from home, I'm dreading seeing Harry. Especially speaking to him. He disappeared for two days, and now all of a sudden, he's actually decided to show up and wants to speak to me. What the fuck is he on.

I have finally arrived home and I don't even want to step out of my car. I forced myself to get out and slowly dragged my feet along with me to the front door, which I immediately pushed open because it was freezing.

"Hello" I sighed, assuming everyone would be down here. Before even being able to blink, Harry rushed to the front door and instantly hugged me. I awkwardly hugged back.

"Oh Nelly, you're okay!" He sighed, "I'm so sorry".

Now all of a sudden, he's all being nice and apologetic? Sorry?

"Hi?" I spoke awkwardly, "You, uh wanted to speak to me?"

"Right yes, let's go upstairs".

I followed him slowly upstairs to his room. "Come, sit" He spoke, gesturing to his very messy bed.

He paced up and down the room nervously, probably thinking of what to say.

"Spit it out".

"Look. I'm sorry" He sighed, "So, sorry".

"Harry, where the fuck have you been?" I asked almost angrily.

"I went back to Guernsey".

"Guernsey? Seriously?" I almost yelled. "Oh, with your new girlfriend?" I mocked.

"No, no, no" He sighed. "No, Noelle".

"Where is she?" I asked.

"I don't know" He sighed, "We got in a fight, I needed to clear my head".

"Harry what the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you fucking be there for your own sister when she's in the most vulnerable state she's ever been in. Why!".

Two Nights Ago
Harry's pov

I strolled into my girlfriend's apartment after a very hectic day. "Hey babe" I greeted as I unlocked the door, she gave me one of her spare keys.

"Harry where the fuck have you been, you've not been answering my texts!" She shouted in my face.

"Wait what? I don't think they came through" I replied, clueless.

"Well, they did! You were probably out cheating on me, that's why!" She yelled, yet again.

"Sum, you should know I would never fucking cheat on you".

"Well, it's pretty obvious you did, I mean look at your hair it's all messed up". She sighed, almost with tears in her eyes.

"I was at the hospital with Noelle, what are you on about babe? And my hair is messy, cause JJ was getting pretty rowdy with me" I almost yelled.

"Oh, so your sister is more important than me now?" She sighed.

"Well, yes? She's literally my fucking sister Summer".

"Why do you always take her side Harry! I'm supposed to be your fucking girlfriend!"

"Summer! We've been together three fucking weeks" I was getting really angry at this point. "And according to everyone else, you've been being vile to her, and now she is fucking starving herself!"

"Good, I hope she suffers. Fuck her, she's a bitch anyway!" Summer yelled.

That's it, she was way out of order. How can I have been so blind this whole time? Noelle was actually telling the truth.

"We're done" I sighed. I walked out of that door as fast as I could, throwing the key on the way out. I couldn't even bare to face Noelle, or JJ for that matter. So, I got the next flight there was back to Guernsey. I needed to be alone, even if it was with my parents and siblings.


Noelle's pov

"Harry what are you on about? You had a fight with your stupid girlfriend, so you just fucked off to Guernsey?" I asked, indignantly.

He was still pacing up and down the room, "I'm sorry. I've realised that Summer truly was a bad person, and I should've believed you in the first place".

"Yeah, you're right you should have" I agreed. "What a manipulative bitch".

"I know" Harry agreed, almost chuckling. "Do you uh forgive me? I understand if you don't".

I looked over to him, he had eager, pleading eyes, "I'll think about it Harry, I'll think".

With that, I walked back out of his room leaving him to drown in his own thoughts. Call me mean for leaving him hanging? He deserves it.

As soon as I got to my room, I instantly collapsed on my bed.

He's done some pretty fucked up things, said some pretty fucked up things. But I have to forgive him at some point, right? I mean he is my brother after all. I am just so glad him and Summer are fully over, I can finally enjoy life. Oh but let me tell you, I would do anything to see Summer's face when he actually ended things, when he took my side over hers.

My head snapped up and I was faced with Jide slowly walked into my room, "Are you okay?"

"Absolutely great, absolutely jolly".

He sighed, "I know, I know". He could already sense the sarcasm. "How did things go, with Harry?"

I sighed in happiness, "He finally ended things with Summer".

"Oh really? Fucking, finally".

"Turns out, he ended up going back to Guernsey" I chuckled, "Which is why he's been ghost".

"Oh shiiit" JJ sighed, "Are you going to forgive him?"

I thought for a moment. "D'you know what. Yes".

He is blood after all, and what am I kidding, I kind of missed him. And, I think he missed me too. 

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