Amidst the familial turmoil, Viserys' eyes fell upon his son, Aegon, who sat on the bed in a state of intoxication. A stern expression crossed Viserys' face as he approached, the weight of responsibility was evident in his gaze for once.

"Aegon," Viserys began, his voice firm, "you sit there in a state unbecoming of a Targaryen while the castle faces a threat. Is this how you choose to represent our house in times of crisis?"

Aegon, still inebriated, looked up with bleary eyes as Viserys continued his lecture. "Your recklessness endangers not only yourself but the entire family. This is not the conduct expected of a prince, let alone my own son."

Viserys' disappointment carried a palpable weight, a blend of paternal concern and frustration. As he lectured his son on responsibility and the weight of their situation. But mostly out of anger that he wanted to take out on someone.

Alicent, ever protective of her son, stepped forward to interject. "Viserys, I have already taken Aegon to task for his behavior. The events of the night have affected us all, and Aegon's lapse in judgment is regrettable, but he is aware of the consequences."

Viserys, not entirely swayed by Alicent's defense, maintained his stern gaze. "This is a time of crisis, Alicent. We cannot afford distractions, especially from those who should be pillars of strength."

Alicent, undeterred, replied, "I understand, Viserys. I assure you, Aegon will be held accountable for his actions, and I will ensure he conducts himself appropriately."

Unable to bear the strain of the tension and the sight of her half-brother's intoxicated state, Rhaenyra turned away, her expression was a mix of frustration and disappointment. Without a word, she left the chambers, her footsteps echoing in the corridor.

The door closed behind her as she sought solace in the presence of her beloved husband, Daemon. As she made her way through the castle, the weight of the night's events pressed upon her.

The complex web of relationships within the family had been laid bare, leaving Rhaenyra in search of comfort in the arms of the one person she trusted most in these tumultuous times.

As the tension lingered in the air, Viserys exchanged a parting glance with Otto, they only passed a small silent acknowledgment. Otto wasn't really happy with the outcome.

"We shall reconvene when court convenes to address these matters. Until then, strive for unity," Viserys advised before departing the chambers.

Otto, with a nod to Alicent, followed the King, leaving Aegon and Alicent alone in the room. Finally mother and son to grapple with the aftermath and consuqinces of the tumultuous night.

Aegon, still seated on the bed, looked at Alicent, a mix of remorse and defiance was in his gaze. The room, now shrouded in a heavy silence, became a stage for the unfolding drama within them.

"Aegon," Alicent sighed, her voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and disappointment. "Go to sleep. We'll discuss your behavior in the morning."

Aegon, swaying slightly, complied without protest. He clumsily turned around and promptly succumbed to the intoxicating embrace of sleep, his consciousness giving in to the effects of the night's events.

As Alicent turned to leave, the door swung open, and Ser Cole entered with a solemn expression. "Your Grace, pardon the interruption. I was wondering if we could..."

Alicent, though wearied, nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, Ser Cole. Speak freely."

Ser Cole motioned for privacy, and Alicent followed him to a corner of the room, away from the slumbering Aegon.

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