XXV. The Losing Game of Love

Start from the beginning

Maggie's jaw clenches tight, her frustration evident in the tension of her muscles. "Let's put him in the other cell block," she suggests, her voice tinged with a mix of anger and urgency.

Daryl shakes his head, a rare admission of agreement. "No. He's got a point."

Maggie's glare shifts towards Merle, holding him accountable. "This is all you. You started this," she accuses, her accusation cutting through the charged atmosphere.

"What difference whose fault it is? What do we do?" Beth urges, her voice laced with trepidation, a palpable manifestation of her fear.

"I said we should leave," Hershel reiterates, unwavering in his stance despite the tragic loss they've suffered. "Now Axel's dead. We can't just sit here," he presses on, the weight of responsibility heavy in his words.

At Hershel's words, Rick begins to walk away, attempting to grapple with his internal turmoil. But Hershel's voice cuts through the turmoil, demanding Rick's attention. "Get back here! You're slipping, Rick. We've all seen it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family's life in your hands. So get your head clear and do something," Hershel's voice rings with a potent mix of concern and authority, pushing Rick to confront the gravity of the situation and rise to the occasion.

The group stands in a fractured silence, the weight of their circumstances heavy upon them. As the group disperses, Madeleine ascends the stairs to her cell, seeking solace in her writing.

Passing by Daryl, she feels his gaze fixed on her, yet she deliberately avoids making eye contact, walking past him as though their earlier exchange hadn't transpired.

Meanwhile, Rick and Carl venture off to inspect the walkers, leaving a tense silence lingering behind. Daryl, seemingly drawn by an unspoken impulse, approaches Madeleine as she engrosses herself in her journal. Leaning against the cell frame, he silently observes her, but she remains immersed in the blank pages before her, her grip on the pen tightening as if anchoring herself.

A contemplative silence hangs between them until Daryl, unable to break the impasse, lowers his gaze and quietly retreats, leaving Madeleine to her thoughts. A breath she hadn't realized she was holding escapes her as she watches him walk away, a mix of relief and uncertainty washing over her.

Seeking solace, she reclines on her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, a hand propping up her head. The fleeting moment of peace is shattered when her father's voice resounds through the corridors, calling for the group to reconvene and devise strategies against the looming threat of the Governor.

Madeleine rises swiftly, her earlier reverie interrupted, and joins the group once more. Their faces bear the weight of impending danger and uncertainty, yet a newfound determination sparks within them as they gather to pool their thoughts and formulate a plan to stand against the looming threat of the Governor.

"Field's filled with walkers. I didn't see any snipers out there, but we'll keep Maggie on watch." The tension in the room is palpable as Rick delivers his update on the field teeming with walkers, his voice carrying the weight of the perilous situation. Madeleine's gaze locks with Daryl's, a momentary connection amidst the gravity of their discussion.

"I'll get up in the guard tower, take out half them walkers, give these guys a chance to fix the fence," Daryl proposes, shaking off the lingering effect of Madeleine's presence, irritated by the power she seems to hold over him.

"Or use some of the cars to put the bus in place," Michonne suggests, her gaze briefly flickering toward Madeleine, who stands stoically beside her, arms crossed in silent contemplation.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now