"Have you got any more questions for me, Saltzman or can I go now?"

"Actually, I do."

"Well, better hurry up then. Don't want your friends to assume the worst of you."

"What's your deal with my father lately? I know he's probably giving you guidance on how to tame your magic but you're spending unusually longer hours in his office these days."

"He grounded me, after what he thinks I've done to your little friend. And that's all you need to know."

"That's nowhere near enough information."

"There's nothing else, now if you'd excuse me I need to get back and consume some real alcohol."

"Hope! If you don't tell me, my dad will."

"I wouldn't sleep on that, if I were you."

The Mikaelson shoved the other girl gently out of the way and walked back to the forest by herself, despite the brunette's advice. Once she turned up everyone turned her direction and started laughing and whispering nonsense, as usual. Hope tried to ignore all the stares she was getting but it wasn't easy an easy job to keep herself from lashing out completely at them.

Later that night, and after going through several bottles of alcohol the young teenager found herself stumbling around in the forest and loosing track of time. She wasn't aware how much alcohol she had consumed or why the stars looked like they were shifting and changing in the sky but suddenly she felt herself feeling nauseous and falling flat on the ground, hitting her head.

What happend after was all a blur, like a distant memory, or just simply her imagination. Hope was picked up by a group of stronger males and carried away somewhere, being placed in what looked like a dungeon cell. Actually, it was the school's dungeon, the place where werewolves were kept locked up on the night of the full moon. A dark and twisted space, that had seen unimaginably many teenagers turn into wolves for the first time. Their screams still echoed in the dark corridors.

"She's knocked out, we better wait."

Hope made out a distant voice that seemed like it belonged to Elizabeth Saltzman.

"I don't care, I wanna do it now!"

"She won't even feel it, stop being impatient."

"I wanna see her face when you do it.
We should wait."

"Torturing Hope Mikaelson.
Now I would pay a high price to see that shit."

Penelope, Jed and Elizabeth along with a few others had gathered in the dungeon where they had locked Hope up in a cell. The girl was laying on the concrete floor, still unconscious from her fall earlier.
When she finally opened her eyes and realized where she was she didn't have the time to question why or how, she simply glared at the threatening group watching over her with stupid fucking smirks all over their faces and wondered what their master plan was.

"Well, well, well.
Look who's awake.
Are you ready for your payback, Mikaelson?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing Penelope?"

"Whatever I want..
To you..
To make you suffer."

"I've suffered enough, don't you think?"

"Tsk, poor little Hope.
Thinking of no one but herself."

Penelope approached the cell and started casting out a spell that made the girl start twitching and squirming around on the floor in excruciating pain. Hope felt her skin on her collarbone being ripped open forcefully in what looked liked a pattern. With every word escaping Penelope's mouth another letter was violently being scribbled on Hope's skin, filling up Josie's shirt with her dark blood. Everyone around her started cheering and laughing while watching the girl being tortured on the floor, the all so mighty tribrid wasn't that mighty anymore.

"I..I think that's enough now-"

Elizabeth said weakly.

"Let me finish!"

Penelope shouted and turned her attention back to Hope who was struggling to breath from the pain.

"Let us see your new tattoo, Mikaelson."

Jed said with an atrocious laugh while Hope was literally ripping her shirt open to remove it from the wound that was forming quite visibly on her collarbone. The word that scarred her skin was damaged.

"Nice job, P. She deserved that one."

"Hope you learned your lesson, tribrid."

Kindred Spirits In Revenge | Hosie Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora