"You trynna say imma lose? I got paid this week so I can spare a few dollars"

I chuckle, "We'll see"

Once we made it to the bowling alley. I hold the door as she walks in front of me. She gives me a view of her brown two-piece that fit her shape nicely. She wore a pair of brown ugg boots to match. Her hair in freshly done braids, that stopped mid-back. She didn't have on any makeup, just bare face. "This is so pretty", I hear her mumble as she takes a look around the building. It had the normal set up of an arcade but more spacious and there's Christmas lights on every corner since the season has officially started.

We move up in line and I order our lane. "Hey! You're going to be in lane seven. What shoe size do y'all wear"

"A thirteen", I say and turn to Iclynn. "A nine".

"Big ass feet", I mumble and earn a slap to the arm from her. The cashier hands us the shoes and we walk over to the lane I just rented. We took the time to put our shoes on, and type our name on the screen. We take a picture to put as the background.

     The thing peeps, her name popping up on the screen as the first player. She rushes over, picking up a medium size bowling ball. I watch in amusement at the concentrated look on her face and a smirk threatening to make an entrance. One thing about Iclynn, she can't be serious to save her life. She leans over a little, rolling the ball in the center and hitting a strike on the first try.

  Definitely wasn't expecting that. "But imma lose right?", she turns around with her arms in the air.

   "Sweetheart that was luck"

I do my normal stance and roll the ball. I slightly curved my arm, only being able to hit four total. I treaded looking back knowing that she wouldn't hesitate to rub this shit in my face.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. Out the corner of my eye, I see her dancing next to me. "Yea I see how this finna go", she bumps me out the way and prepares for her turn.

Two sessions later, Iclynn came out on top. Her dramatic ass stands in front of the screen, taking a picture of the score. She then goes to record a video, "Look at this mad ass nigga", she points at me and I flip off the camera. "He finna buy me pasta and lobster tonight", she adds in and I jerk my head back.

Shawty trynna break my pockets.

"I let you win and you out here bragging about it", I shake my head and she ends her video.

"Nigga the only big score you made were two spares", she laughs and I flick her forehead.

I put my arm around her, leading her to the car. "Where you want to go?"

I can't help but the small as she looks up at me. She mirrors my expression, looking away shortly after. It's something about her eyes. Those eyes suck you in at any given moment. If you pay close attention they'll tell you a lot too. "Juicy Crab works?", she awaits my answer as I open the car door for her. "Anything you want", I say as I watch her get inside.

We seat at the restaurant. The music keeping us occupied as we stuff some popcorn shrimp in our mouths. She gets quiet when she eats. "Can I ask you something?", her eyebrow raises as she waits for me to ask.

"Why is it that you never dated in high school? Or hell anytime. I never hear you bring up a nigga"

Iclynn shrugs, "Cause niggas don't rule my world. Trust I've had my share of experiences but I try not to make that my personality. I'm private when it comes to my love life"

In the same breath, our food comes. Her boil sits in front of her, full of crabs, lobster tails, and shrimp. "What about you? You only believe in flings, why is that?"

"I'm too busy to be in a relationship", I shrug and she gives me a blank stare.

I've had my fair share of disappointments with women. I'm the guy that's known for being book smart and have the goody reputation. Of course outside of school, I had more to offer and everyone knew that. I was one of the few that had the big three story house, a car, and the highest grades on campus. It became hard to read who was being genuinely or just wanted a taste of the lifestyle.

Iclynn tilts her head, she knew that response was bullshit.

We were never close but she can always see through me and vice versa. She's clueless about half of the events in my life and somehow reads me like a book.

She doesn't kiss up to me. She didn't care if I hated or liked her. Iclynn would be herself regardless.

Dipping a piece of lobster tail in the sauce, "Real reason please?"

"I don't know where to start. I know how to go on a date but constant communication? Putting the effort into getting to know someone? That seems out of my element"

"I'm hearing scared of commitment", she pretends to write down something on a napkin like a therapist holding a notebook. "So you must be scared too", I return and she purses her lips together.

   "I was. This might be a little deep but seeing my parents relationship made me scared me"

   I furrow my eyebrows, "Aren't your parents married?"

    Iclynn gives me a 'duh' look. "Yeah but that doesn't mean shit is peaches and cream. Their relationship isn't a depiction of what I would want in a marriage"

    She wasn't the only one. Sometimes, I couldn't understand the reason behind my parent's relationship either. They ran more on the traditional scale, where the woman caters to a man every need.  I lost count of the many times I would tell my mom to sit down or refrain from rushing to my father's every beck and call. It could be something simple like sending her downstairs to get a cup of ice and he's already standing up. "I just want something genuine so that when we get old and gray, the love feels new everyday. We still go out on dates, I still long for their affection and hold no resentment against them", she smile's innocently.

      "I feel you, Lynn", I smile back. I hoped that she would be able to find that someday. "So what am I getting for Christmas?"

    She taps her chin, "We're buying each other's Christmas gifts?". I didn't miss the shocked expression on her face.

    According to her, you would think I'm the most selfish person on earth. "Why the look?"

   Iclynn giggles, "Because you act like the grinch"

      Her laugh is contagious causing me to join in. Those eyes bore into mine once again. We hold each other's eye for a little longer and she turns away blushing. She covers her mouth to hide it but I caught it. "Stop looking at me", she ties up her bag in hopes of avoiding eye-contact.

    I just know her moans would sound angelic.

    The waitress comes and I pay off our tab for the night. "This was fun", she swings her bag.

   "It was, who would've thought?"

   She hits me upside the head, "You always trynna say some shady ass shit and wonder why I slap you around"

   "What did I say?"

   "You thought I was boring or some shit? Nigga please"

   Here she goes.

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