Hugs, Tears, and Turkey.

Start from the beginning


I finally finished all my classes. It was 3:25 and at the moment I was driving back to my apartment to get ready for the coffee shop. When I got to the parking lot I realized I never texted Jazzy back. I quickly grabbed my phone to text her back.


I'm so sorry for not replying, I was just getting into class. Yes, you're right lol. How's your day been? I have to go into the coffee shop at 4:30 so if I don't answer fast it's because I'm rushing to get over there.

Sent 3:33 PM

I luckily made it to work on time, I wouldn't say I was speeding, just going a little more over the speed limit. I had work till 7pm. I close shop. The only reason we were closing so early today was because it was Thanksgiving apparently. We usually close at 2AM then are closed so the next shift person can clean up and get ready to open again at 5 or 6 am. It also gives time for the next person so they can restock and get ready. I was lucky, there were mostly online orders. It wasn't as busy as I thought. It was probably due to the fact that it's thanksgiving. I don't really understand thanksgiving.


I looked up when I heard the bell DING in the coffee shop. It was Danial, he was the store owner. There weren't a lot of people that worked at the cafe because Daniel usually worked it most of the time. He thought, "Why hire people when you can work it yourself." Though, there were 5 people including Daniel and I that actually worked at the cafe. I stared at him for a second remembering what happened that night. I was at the point of death, I had been broken for the last time. I thought... I honestly thought I was going to die that night.



Third person

January 7th, 2022

The loud bang of a boot against a metal door rang out in the alley as Daniel kicked it open, his hands gripping the material of two garbage bags. The steam of his breath billowed into the sky before almost vanishing from the flurries of snow coming down.

It was freezing in Minnesota this time of year, almost always in the negatives. The man stepped out into the snow, only hearing the crunch of snow beneath his boots as he approached the dumpster. As he stepped closer another sound was becoming louder, causing him to stop moving.

Daniel was nervous, his heart beginning to beat faster. "Who's there?" He asked, trying to hide the quake in his voice. There was no response other than a weak grunt. Gathering his courage, he moved closer to the dumpster to find the sight of a young girl.

The bags that were still in his hands instantly dropped to the ground as he rushed forward and dropped to his knees next to the girl. She was beaten bloody, her eyes and lips swollen with blood coming from God knows where on her head. Her clothing was torn, to the point that there wasn't enough left to actually be called clothing.

"Hey! Hey! What happened?! Are you okay? Christ, it's freezing out here." The panic was set in Daniel's eyes as he hurriedly shrugged off the thick jacket he was wearing to cover her body. He didn't know how long she had been out here, but he could tell she was barely conscious and she looked as if she was turning blue.

In a split second decision, Daniel decided to scoop her up in his arms and rush them both back into the café. Thankfully he was in his closing period so he could restock and prep, so no one was around. He shouldered the door to his office open, laying the girl down on the small sofa he kept against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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