Lily had called me about an hour after Kyst had left for work today and when she had told me she wanted to learn some editing, I’d been confused. Lily was ambitious but she was also passionate about stuff she knew and wanted. Editing was not something she’d ever shared her interests in so it kind of baffled me when she had asked me if I could teach her some. Our penthouse was the place I remained locked in most of the time for my editing gigs so I had gotten out and landed into this cafe, where, for the past two hours, I’d been trying and failing to teach her basic editing.

“Ahh I don’t care,” she grumbled from the other side as she moved around, her phone still stuck to her nose. “Just go home and rest. Or wait for your husband. I don’t care. Release me from this editing misery, okay? Okay. Bye! Good night! Love you. Have fun tonight.” And with that she hung up the phone without even letting me respond.

Shaking my head at my best friend who I missed to bits, I grabbed my laptop and carefully put it into my laptop bag. I quickly finished my cold coffee and stepped out into the cool air. Since this cafe was only a ten minute walk from our home, I hadn’t brought my car — yes, I had bought a car about three months ago with my own money I’d saved while picking up editing gigs — and had decided to just walk.

The trees were greener with pretty flowers meshed with the dark leaves, readying themselves for Autumn. The roads were relatively empty for a Friday evening so I plugged my earphones, stuffed my hands in the pockets of Kyst’s hoodie that I’d worn and bobbed my head to my latest K-pop obsession.

My mind soon drifted. Some months ago, Kyst had promised me he’d take me on a honeymoon but instead we’d just ended up going on a four-day trip because I had a lot of editing to complete and he had gotten really busy with various new contracts as well as Christmas and New Year that had been coming up at that time. And yet, those four days were single-handedly the best days of my entire life.

As I walked past the last block of our penthouse apartment’s building, I caught sight of a little flower stall and an older man slightly spraying water on them. Before I knew what I was doing, I’d already reached the stall. The old man in looked at me and smiled. “What would you like me to show you?”

“Lilies, please,” I said without hesitation. Those were the flowers I’d gotten Kyst on his birthday and decorated his room with. Lilies were his favourite and nothing made his eyes shine brighter than receiving flowers at random days of the week from me. My Kyst was a softie and absolutely loved receiving flowers so as the best wife ever, I always obliged. “And some pink roses too.” Those were for us. Ever since Kyst admitted to me being his pink in life, anything in that colour made my heart beat faster and butterflies swarmed my belly.

There was something so enticing about being so madly in love with a person that everyday seemed like a scene out of a 90s romantic comedy and I was grateful to be able to experience it everyday for every second of my life.

I paid for the flowers and thanked the old man before walking into the apartment building and riding the elevator up our home. This elevator reminded me of the memories of the moments after our first kiss at the beach, when he had cornered me here and kissed me again like I was the last breath that could save him. My cheeks warmed as I stepped out of the elevator, a cheerful spring in my every step.

I put in the passcode; a combination of numbers of the date we’d met for the first time. Kyst was loyal and thoughful but he was also wicked and evil. He fucked me so hard, everyday, I could feel him right up my belly the next day and I loved him so much, there was not one day I could spend without seeing him. And that was why, while I was extremely happy today, I was also feeling kind of lonely because I hadn’t seen him since morning, after we’d fucked in the shower and he had left for work.

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