Teaching The Cons How To Cook

Start from the beginning

I then passed them to Fracture who grabbed the salt and let his minicons season the steak for him so they could join in on the fun. They didn't seem too bad and they did it pretty well. Next up was Thunderhoof who looked at it suspiciously then seasoned his steak as well. Underbite put a little too much and Clampdown being Clampdown accidentally opened the top part of the tiny bottle trying to figure out how to use it and it landed on Thunderhoof as it flung into the air. 

"CLAMPDOWN YOU LITTLE FRAGGER-" He shouted and was ready to punch him.

"Hey hey! No fighting calm down! It was a simple mistake" I said.

"Yeah well he should've been more careful." I facepalmed. This was gonna be a lot harder than I thought..

After Steeljaw was done seasoning his steak I moved onto the next step. "Okay so now that all your steaks are seasoned on both sides we're gonna gently place it onto the pan and let it sizzle for a bit before drizzling some oil on it. You're gonna leave your steak there until they start to turn brown. When one side starts to turn brown you flip it to the other side and do the same thing. Understand?" I explained to them. This process should take about 5-6 mins total if they do it right

~Another time skip~

I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and leave them for a bit while I went to use the bathroom really quick. They actually seemed pretty decent so far so I could only hope they do the rest of the steps right.

When I came back I heard a bit of screaming and arguing. I quickly rushed back to the kitchen and noticed there was a small fire in there. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and put it out before it got worse. I then looked at all of them and crossed my arms, clearly annoyed with them.

"I'm gone for no later than 10 minutes and you all caused a fire." I said. They all pointed to the culprit.

"Ehehehe... my bad. I'm sorry it won't happen again!" Should've known it was Clampdown once again. Always being the clumsy one of the group. I sighed. "Ugh it's fine. Just.. make sure not to set the heat too high this time." Maybe this was a bad idea after all. But I didn't wanna give up yet. We were almost done. 

The next step was to start adding the pepper seasoning while the steak still cooks for a bit then add the butter so it's nice and tender. As always, Fracture did it with no problems with the help of Airazor and Divebomb. So did the rest of the group. Surprisingly no issues here. 

The last step was to let it cook for about 2 more minutes so the sides are brown enough. I'm not sure how they'll like their steaks since it's their first time but i'm going 4 minutes for medium rare. I demonstrated for them then let them do their own thing.

I insisted on helping Clampdown this time so he wouldn't cause anymore fires. His holoform made him look like a 12 year old boy so naturally he would make a lot of mistakes. I did my best to help and I spent another 5 mins helping the other cons with whatever they needed until everything was fine.

After a few more mins all the steaks were pretty much done so I grabbed some plates and set everything on the table. Everyone was quite proud of their results. 

"We get to eat them now?" Steeljaw asks proudly. 

I smiled. "Yes. And you all did a good job. I hope you had fun learning."

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