Chapter Twenty: Together

Start from the beginning

"Uncle Billy what is happening."

"Why don't you sit down sweetheart." Sue had a sweet smile on her face as she led me to the kitchen table were I saw traditional medicine things set out.

"Jake, never ran away. He ran here after you told everyone about the Ahiga ultimatum. He was angry but he was terrified of losing you. He asked me to go throw all of our books to see if there was a way for him to contact Ahiga directly. We found a ritual and were able to send him the true alpha of the pack to the spirit realm. He has been fighting with Ahiga since. He is weakening Sue has been trying to heal his wounds but they are taking longer. I prayed to the ancestors and asked them to gift you so that you can help Jake defeat Ahiga once and for all. They agreed and that is why you have these gifts now. The ancestors are going to bring your spirit to Jacob and Ahiga so that you can help Jacob. When you come back he will be the true alpha of the pack. Sam already knows and is thankful for Jacob."

"Wait Sam knows? He just told me he hasn't heard from Jake."

"He hasn't heard from Jake the ritual was already complete by time we brought Sam over to explain everything. Now I am going to take you to Rachel's room so that you can get comfortable. I followed him and laid down on her bed I'm sure she won't mind she never comes home.

"I love you Uncle Billy."

"I love you too princess. Come back. Both of you." He kissed my forehead and left the room. I waited for that feeling of fading away but it never came. I was thrown in the middle of Jacob and Ahiga.

"So nice of you to join us. Now I can kill both of you together." Ahiga had a sick grin on his face showing off his blood stained teeth. I looked at Jacob and almost didn't recognize him. His hair was long again and he wore traditional clothing. I know he's always been taller than me but it seemed he had grown several inches taller. He had several cuts on his body as he continued to fight Ahiga. I joined him and it felt as though we were connected. We moved together we didn't have to speak and when we did it was never out loud we spoke in our minds. Ahiga went to lunge at Jake but I slid in between his legs and tripped him. As he fell Jake got on top of him they wrestled and I couldn't tell who was winning. They were both landing hard blows on one another. I knew I had to do something. "Ahiga! It's me that you want right? You don't really want to kill Jacob he's just in the way right? Well I am right here and I'm wide open come on!" He tossed Jacob aside and I winced knowing that had to hurt. He charged at me and I looked at Jacob he grabbed the knife that was next to him and charged at Ahiga from behind. He stabbed him over and over again.

"Jake, he's gone. You can stop now. Ahiga is not coming back. He is now dead in both realms. We can go home. You did it."

"I knew you guys could do it! I am so proud of the both of you. I am going to send you both home now. Jacob, be ready to lead your pack, you will do great. Elena, I am afraid that this is goodbye for us. We are all so proud of everything you have accomplished. And when you get home you will have some new gifts. The others will help you with them. Never let anyone stop you from being who you are it is nothing to be ashamed of little one."

"Thank you Nona, for everything. She smiled sweetly at me and then wrapped me in a warm hug. "Goodbye child."

I woke up to the sounds of screaming. Jake! I felt like I was burning up. "Billy! Something's wrong with me it hurts! Everything hurts!"

"You're gonna be okay Ellie. Come on let's go outside."

"Sam, I have to check on Jacob!"

"Elena, listen to me very carefully you are about to phase you can't help Jake if you destroy his house."

I got up and screamed in pain. Sam helped me outside and I was greeted by my whole family. I collapsed on the ground in front of Paul.

"It's gonna be okay sweetie. Don't fight it ok, embrace it let it happen." Paul's voice guided me and next thing I knew I was on all fours.

"Wow, she's gorgeous." I walked up to Jasper and nudged him with my head.

"Hey, baby girl. Your wolf is all white but your paws are a light brown. You have the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes." He stroked my head and I leaned into his touch. 

"You think you can come back to me?" I thought about being little. This a lot to deal with and I'm tired of being big. I just want cuddles with my daddy and a movie night with everyone.

"Aren't you just the cutest." I heard aunty Rose speak up. She came over and picked me up and I realized I wasn't human I was just smaller. Like a puppy, guess little Ellie has a wolf version too. "Okay, princess we need you to concentrate on being human. Think about what you look like okay?"

"There you go. There's daddy's princess." Daddy came over and wrapped me in a towel. How about we give you a bath."

"Otay daddy. Can I play with toys?"

"Yep we can even add lots of bubbles. How old are you princess?" I held up two fingers. "Okay lets get home." 

"Ellie, is one of us now that's so cool!" Paul was excited about the newest pack member. He couldn't wait to show her the ropes of being one of them. 

"Yeah so much for not having our appetite." Seth's comment made everyone chuckle 

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