I nod my head to Jeongin and Seungmin. They disrupt another file.

"If the rest of you would like to take a look over this proposal it outlines how we fix this mess that was created by my father and Cho."

My father snags the file out of my uncles hands. I watch closely as he reads over the document.

"You can't do this."

"You see. I can and I will."


"What you say doesn't matter for two reasons. First being you are no resolved from your position of CEO."

"What's the second reason?"

I wink at Yoongi, and he nods to Namjoon. Who opens the other door and Jin walks in.

"I'm going to arrest you."

"On what charges?"

"3 counts of murder."


"Your wife's and the Min's."

"You have no witnesses."

"He does."



"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I would. See a child never forgets when she watches her father strangle her mother."

"How do you know that?"

"How do you think?"

"You were there. Cho was right." I watch as realization finally sets in, "You were hiding in the wall."

I snicker, "Its where I always hid."

Jin walks closer to my father. It happens so quick. My father whips out his gun and aims it right at me but right at my belly.

"If I'm going down. I'm taking you with me and your child."

Yoongi wraps me up and a shot rings out. When I look up into Yoongi's eyes, I don't see him in pain.


"He didn't shoot me."

We both turn to look at my father and he is laying dead on the ground.

"Sorry I'm late." Zio says.

I whip my head and around and see my brother leaning against the door frame. I pull out of Yoongi's arms and rush to my brothers side.

"Are you crazy? You should be at the hospital still!"

"And you and Yoongi would be dead."

"It's finally over." I whisper.

Zio wraps his arms around me, "It is."

I feel a presence behind me, "Thank you." Yoongi's voice rings out.

"I would do anything for my sister and nephew."

I lean back into Yoongi and look at my brother. He's pretty pale.

"We need to get you back to the hospital."

"We got it." JK says.

Him and Jimin help my brother out of the room.

"I hope he's going to be okay."

Yoongi gives me a gentle squeeze, "He's a shin. He'll be fine."

"So, who is the new CEO now."

I look up to Yoongi, "He is."

He shakes his head and I give him a perplexed look. We walk over to where he was sitting. He grabs the papers and rips them up.

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