Chapter 26 - Change

Start from the beginning

Both were a problem with the types of powers they had, lowering Dream's chances of winning was the only thing he could do at the moment. Tommy managed to get behind the older blonde and struck a harsh electrical charge into his throat.

Tommy wasn't entirely immune to the power, as it wasn't his by birth. He held onto the other and long as possible, wanting to paralyze him, if even just a small bit. Dream screamed as he took wave after wave of shocking power, he was beginning to fall limp.

The younger blonde was forced to release, the strength of the attack becoming too much for his body to release then take in. Dream hit the ground, electricity crackling around his body.

Tommy had no clue if the other was paralyzed or not, but he made a break for the door. He stopped for a second and he had no clue why, "Tommy!" He had heard that voice before. He turned to stare at Halictidae, who was forcing himself up.

The vigilante had removed his mask, and Tommy was horrified, "Tubbo?!" he shrieked, anger welling higher, "why are you doing this?!" he yelled. Halictidae's eyes darkened, "i'm sorry Tommy, but he can bring them back" the vigilante stated.

"Bring who back?!" Tommy snapped, but Tubbo wasn't given a chance to answer as the villain was grabbed by Dream, and a serum was injected into his neck with a syringe.

Tommy fought to keep conscious but his body was giving in to whatever the older blonde had forced inside his body.


Tommy groaned, finding himself on the ground with an ache within his entire body. He could barely move, he looked around, using whatever energy he had left to see the area around him. Something kept the air around him from engulfing his area.

Dream used a sedative on him, that was what he did, but the paralyzing feeling sparking in his muscles was all Tubbo's doing. The adrenaline coursing through his veins only seemed to hold the toxin off until his heart started to beat normally.

"Why did you do that?!" a voice called, Dream seemed enraged by one of the vigilantes. He heard a scoff coming from one, "at least he stopped" Tubbo hissed. There was a silent cast over the room, none of them spoke.

Finally, after a few minutes a third voice spoke, Tommy turned his head to see Ender remove his mask. Tubbo was staring at the tall, black and white haired man with a shocked expression in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" the shorter asked, Ranboo smiled, "there really is no reason to hide our faces, this will all be over soon," he responded.

"I just hope you didn't kill him with that venom," Dream snapped, Tubbo looked offended by the accusation.

"My toxin only causes short term paralysis, it can't kill someone," he retorted.

Dream seemed amused, and pleased by this response and he only nodded. "Good, I want him alive," he admitted, "Ranboo, would you be a dear and get me the purple vial off the counter".

Ranboo nodded, teleporting away to retrieve what Dream had asked for, Tubbo seemed uncomfortable as the purple particles left behind began to drop to the floor. He didn't seem all too happy to be in this kind of situation.

When the heterochromatic man returned, he handed an indigo colored vial to the corrupt hero. Dream smiled, and regarded Ranboo with a quick glance before approaching Tommy.

"I see you're awake," he laughs, "I tried to play nice, if you had just drank that liquid you wouldn't be in this situation." It made Tommy sick, the way that Dream was smiling at him, almost like an older sibling looking at a little sibling, he hated it.

It seemed like Dream felt he was inferior to him and he never wanted that, not from this man. Tommy glared daggers into Dream's soul, he wanted to impale the man with a knife and toss him into the raging flames.

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