Chapter 17 Suddenly in a Fantasy!?

Start from the beginning

Hiiro used his game scope to examine the woman in front of them. "The Bugster is visible in her."

Asuna finally joined them. "The symptoms are different from usual." She pointed out and noticed Zilar didn't join Kanade. "Maybe the virus has evolved again? Where's Zilar?"

"He has a job to catch up considering he works at the police station." Kanade answered of Zilar's absence. "He'll come around if the enemies we're dealing with are more dangerous than before."

Emu shoved Hiiro and Kanade away. "Anyway, we've found a Game Syndrome patient." He declared and the red-haired woman didn't like his new persona even one bit.

"This woman's body is mine." The woman with a kimono spoke in a male tone while her eyes flashed red. "System start up. Level 30." She transforms into a Bugster.

"Level 30!?" Asuna asked in shock.

Emu's eyes widened in amusement. "Ain't this the last boss of Gekitotsu Robots, Gatton?" He asked curiously and recognized the Bugster. "Here I go!" He placed his driver on the waist.

"Wait, intern!" Hiiro stops Emu from transforming. "You shouldn't be fighting now!" He's worried about his injury and Emu might go berserk again. "Hand the Gashat to me!"

"Hiiro is right." Kanade spoke up and looked at the genius gamer. "You just got recovered and we don't need you to get hurt again."

"Like hell. This is my game." Emu shoved Hiiro's hand.

"My game?" The red-haired woman narrowed her gaze with a stern look. She would never expect this new Emu would think it's fun when their lives are between life and death. "Emu this is serious and stand down!"

"Not gonna happen, Kana-chan." He shook his head in denial and activated his two Gashats.

"Mighty Action X! Gekitotsu Robots!"

Hiiro and Kanade step back while they look surprised to see Emu's eyes flash in red. The female android sees it as well and can't help but gasp in shock. "Already!? After all the hard work they'd done?!" Luna exclaimed in shock.

"Let's play Gekitotsu Robots!" Emu declared with a huge grin. "Dai, Dai, Dai Henshin!"

"Gashatto! Gashatto! Gacchaan! Level up! Mighty Action X! I gotcha, Gekitotsu Robots!"

"I'll clear this with no continues!" The genius gamer announced and ran to fight against Gatton.

"Kanade, do something about this!" Luna pleads and the red-haired woman nods her head.

"I'm on it." Kanade grips her necklace. "𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘪𝘵𝘻𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘻𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘎𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘳 𝘻𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘭~" She sings and her clothes changed into Symphogear armor. The red-haired woman bends down to avoid colliding with Emu and summons her spear before throwing it at Gatton in incredible force.


Asuna gasps in shock to see Gatton get slammed by Kanade's spear. "Wow! I didn't know a Symphogear user like her could match Gatton!" It's her first time seeing Kanade battle without using Game Drive and Gashat or being a Knight.

Emu groaned and got up slowly from crashing the boxes. "Aww man, this is rough with the level difference." He whined while noticing Kanade and Gatton were fighting each other. "I need to keep them up!" The genius gamer glanced up to see a coin item of muscle and gained it.

"Muscle up!" His strength increased.

"Kana-chan, switch!" Emu yelled and Kanade backflips after hearing his yell. The genius gamer throws a punch at Gatton. "Go flying!" He sends Gatton flying and crashes the van.

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