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This story will contain some OC's but all other characters belong to SMG4 and Nintendo. This story will most likely be mostly fluff, I'm not good at writing angst. There will be absolutely no Smut. At least, you won't see it. Throughout the story there will be spoilers for every major plot point from 2018 up until December 2023.

Here are some of the definitions for terms used in the story. If you know enough about SMG4 you can skip the rest of the introduction.

Avatar. A being whose life keeps the universe together. Usually the main character of a game. Each one normally has 2 guardians. Super Meme Guardians. Also known as Meme Guardians or SMG's. They can manipulate meme energy which is the lifeblood of the universe which they can channel into their avatar. The internet graveyard is an alternative realm where dead meme's live. I.G. means internet graveyard.


Melony. Female, straight, single. personality/backstory. Was once a normal melon but the fierce deity mask was placed on her turning her into a human. She is very tired most of the time and has the powers of the fierce deity. Saiko Female, Straight, single. personality/backstory. She was from a dating game but brought to life. She has a giant hammer and is rather strong. Tari. female, straight, single. personality/backstory. She likes playing video games and rubber ducks. She is very compassionate and caring. One of her arms is mechanical. Axol. Male, straight, single. personality/backstory. A humanoid axolotl. He is a manga artist from Inkopolis with a giant pen named Inkweaver which can be used to bring his drawings to life. During the events of the genesis arc he got possessed by the evil SMG0 turning him into Eldritch Axol/AxØl. Mario, Male, straight, single. personality/backstory. He is the same as he is normally except he is stupid and for some reason has a physical/sexual attraction to spaghetti. Meggy. Female, Straight, single. personality/backstory. She was a normal inkling until the last farewell when she was turned into a human. She is proficient at using any ranged weapon and is an excellent fighter. Fishy Boopkins. Male, child. personality/backstory. Family. Joe Boopkins. Father. Jubjub. Brother. He is a spike. He likes candy, and anime. That's all he is a child. SMG0. male, demon. A horrific virus from a different universe. He possessed the innocent Axol. SMG1 & 2. 1. Male, Straight, Single. 2. Male, Straight, Single. Meme guardians from a different universe. Their avatar was killed by 0 causing their textures to be corrupted. SMG3. male, straight, single. personality/backstory. A meme guardian whose avatar is Mario. In the youtube arc he created a parody channel and production studio alongside replacements for SMG4s friends. At the end of the arc he gets banished to the I.G.. He learns about the meme lifecycle from the ancient memes. SMG4. male, straight, single. personality/backstory. A meme guardian whose avatar is Mario. He is a sort of stand-in for Luke the creator of the show. He is friends with Mario and after redeems SMG3 they become friends.

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