Episode 13-6: The Second Eruption

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The moon was humanity's sole natural satellite, situated about 384,402 kilometers away from Earth.

Its presence was quite significant, not only for its beauty but also due to its influence over the tides of Earth's oceans.

It is no wonder that the moon has a special place in the legends and culture of various nations, as it is both a fascinating and integral part of the cosmic sphere.

The moon has been revered and worshiped by various cultures, as it has been often seen as an embodiment of divine power in its own right.

The moon God had many names, including Nanna, Sin, Selene, Diana, Artemis, and Chandra.

Those who looked towards the moon from Earth would notice that the near side was the only one that was visibly apparent.

The moon's orbit, synchronous rotation, and inclination were combined to make it possible for only 59% of its surface to be seen.

The fact that the near side of the moon was always facing Earth was both a fascinating phenomenon and a great mystery for humanity, only adding to the mysticism and beauty of the lunar body.

In addition to the moon, the whole universe was familiar with another natural phenomenon.

The comet.

The comet was a small, icy object that emitted significant amounts of gas when passing close to the Sun yet remained distinct from the moon.

It was common for comets to be seen as the observers marveled at that heavenly visitor, whom they often referred to simply as a "comet" for its majestic and eye-catching displays.

Periodic comets were very common, with most of them being short-period ones that orbited around the Sun within less than two hundred years.

However, there were also long-period comets, which took longer to complete one orbit around the Sun, usually for two hundred years or more.

Comets were a common and predictable phenomenon within the cosmic sphere, with humans being able to accurately analyze and predict their behavior thanks to science and mathematics.

In 1966, a surprising discovery was made as humanity observed another peculiar phenomenon that confused and bewildered them.

A single light comet, occasionally orbiting around the Earth, was a strange and almost miraculous happening that only the divine knowledge the Great Force possessed could explain.

The fact that a single comet, not multiple ones, orbited the planet with a seemingly different and unusual pattern only added to the perplexity it brought to the astronomers and observers who tried to comprehend its purpose and significance.

The appearance of the light comet, with its unusual orbital pattern, led to rumors or speculative theories amongst some observers that it might be an omen that would herald the coming of some dangerous and deadly event.

Many theorized that the light comet was a signal indicating a warning or a threat that would soon purge the planet.

The scientific community and astronomers agreed to a common consensus regarding the newly discovered comet and the name they would offer to the celestial phenomenon.

As it was now called, the light comet would be called the "Vigil Comet", stressing its existence as a sentinel that watched over the solar system.

Its presence and purpose were still mysterious, with no one knowing the comet's true significance or meaning.

The speed of the Vigil Comet was noticeably moderate compared to any other comets that had previously been observed to move at much faster speeds than that of light.

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