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I let logan sleep that entire night, then the next morning I wake him.

"Hey handsome, let's go to the park." I coax him up and he lays on me.

"" He protests but climbs into my lap.
I make a point to sway him side to side even though he's gargantuan.

"Let's go get breakfast then?" I can feel his head shake no.
"Well you're not rotting in bed any longer." I say in a playful tone as I lift him removing his shirt.

"mick... Please bebe fuck off..." Logan mutters into my shoulder.
"how do you even know it's me? I could be Ian Gallagher OoOoOohh." I laugh at my own stupid ghost voice.

".... Loges? You asleep?" yes. Yes he's fucking asleep.

I put the huge man over my shoulder and bring him out to his living room.
"now, all nice and toasty." I talk to what might as well be a fuckin brick wall as logan sleepily flips me off.

"what you eaten... You got... Fucking cornflakes, goddamn Sinsinsinenie you ain't got no food up in here."

Logan laughs before responding.
"Sinziebawoa?" he corrects my pronunciation of his shitty last name.

"yeah whatever the fuck, listen I'm going to the store and I'll get you some food, do you know what you want?" I ask, what little patience I had gone as he didn't automatically know my question but that's a me problem.

"couscous...." I stop him and interrupt
"ain't nobody know what couscous is."
We both kinda face towards each other laughing at my abruptness, which is nice.

I remember Ian would threaten to leave me over stuff like that, he would drag that argument on for days but I got a man that just went fully blind here asking for pretty basic stuff with me bitching but he doesn't take it to heart, much more relaxing.

"OK you come with me to the store, tell the clerks it with your funny little accent." I sneer receiving slap on my arm as I put logans coat on for him.

As we are out in the open I can feel logans nerves ripple through his fingers as he grasps tight.

" you do realise that you were blind during the day before you went completely blind yeah?"

"yeah but I could tell when something moves past me, I can't now."
"yeah yeah whatever buddy, lucky I'm not a homophobe anymore, would take one look at that mullet and BAM!" right in you're mo'fo face with my fist." I joke trying to lighten up the mood.

"I have no idea what the fuck you just said." Logan says whipping his head around.
"well fair enough, come on this way." I head towards the store.

We arrive at the store then BAM! I fucking see him, Ian Clayton Gallagher Milkovich


Good thing logans nice to show off today, he has his mullet all curly and bouncy and he's taller than Ian, and logan had his nice little coat and his teeny tiny little pants and his wickle shirt and all his cute Lil cane NO!

This ginger fuck is staring straight at us laughing, with the girl... Fucking what's her name? Trevor?
Trevor looks like she can take a beat down today if needed.
And Ian.

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