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Hey pig! It's time to wake up!

Y/n: (crying dramatically)

Min Yoongi:
Why are you crying again?? Why is it always a new drama everyday?

Shut up oppa! Remember that choi soobin my ex bestie?

Min Yoongi:
Yes, why?

Dude asked my help to do his presentation and i agreed cuz........ He told me he would treat me milkshakes

Min Yoongi:
So? If you help him, he will treat you milkshakes, and you really want milkshakes right?

Yea and I don't wan to visit his home and help him tf aissshhh

Min Yoongi: (done)
You always bring some or the other problems to yourself.. Now suffer... Now Don't be lazy!! We'll both go to help him and after his presentation,

Y/n: (shocked)
Are u really min yoongi? My brother!?

Min Yoongi: (done)
Do i look like someone else to you?

Y/n: (shouts)

Min Yoongi: (sighs, chuckles)
Why are you yelling so much?? Of course i will always support you!!

Uwuuu yeyy let's go to that dumb idiot home

Min Yoongi: (smiles)
alright, we are going, but before we go, don't forget to get dressed and eat breakfast.

Okie dokie!

Min Yoongi:
And don't sleep

U sighed dramatically and nodded

Min Yoongi:
Good, then go get dressed and eat breakfast.


Time skip at school:

The final presentation has been done by every group, but one is still missing... Soobin's. the classroom is filled with people, almost a lot of the population is there waiting for the presentation. Soobin walks to the front of the classroom, he's holding a paper and has a slightly uneasy look on his face. the classmates immediately give him their attention. Soobin starts speaking loudly and clearly.

"Good morning everyone! Thank you for waiting for my presentation."

The faces of the audience smile and nod together in agreement. He takes a few breaths before continuing, and then looks up and down at his classmates. he clears his throat and then starts.

"as u know, today is the final presentation of the year... and the last group to present is my group, lead by me."

his tone of voice slightly changed, and he was already speaking a bit louder than before. his expression was no longer uneasy, it was more... confident. Soobin's classmates all turned towards him and he smiled back at them, feeling the nervousness he had before turn into excitement and confidence.

"This presentation is about the importance of teamwork in our workplace, and how it affects our ability to get things done."

He took a second to scan the audience and saw a few of his classmates nodding along with him.

"Now, let me tell you why teamwork is key..."

Soobin continued, eager to share what he, y/n and yoongi had researched. The more he spoke, the more confidence he gained.
as Soobin explained about how teamwork is key, and all students started listening to him more and more. some were writing some notes, but they were all paying attention. When he finished, there was a quiet moment where everyone stayed a few seconds to process what Soobin just said, and then they started clapping loudly, all at once.
The teacher got up, she approached Soobin, and started checking his presentation. Soobin was feeling great after the presentation went so well. The teacher walked next to him and said:

Enemies To Lovers || Soobin ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon