chapter 1

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Y/N's pov

I wake up chained to a hospital bed with multiple shadowy people surrounding me. I start to panic as this reminds me of what my father and his so called underlings used to do. As my heart rate started to elevate a long with my blood pressure my ears start ringing. "Calm down sonny" a stern but gentle voice calls out. "S-save m-me please save me" I mutter before screaming in fear as everything went black again.

???'s pov

'poor kid' I think watching him from the corner of the room "hi it's me nezu" a voice rang out as  I turn to see the Chimera on my colleague's shoulder "why did I hear the kid screaming?" Asked a very disgruntled man who looks like he lives off of coffee and fifteen minutes of sleep "um...well the thing is sho-" I start to speak "hizashi yamada better speak fast or so help me go I'll tie you up again!" Shota aizawa states angrily (not the fun tied up either 😏)
"Kinky" nezu says. "He woke up and freaked out even though it was just me and recovery girl in here. But what he said concerns me it was 'save me' but from what?..."hazashi says with a worried tone

•|In Y/N's mind|•

"I'm in a hospital I know I am that means that creepy old bastard will soon be here to collect me for my father" Y/N says as he is walking in the void in his mind. "But wait that voice wasn't it recovery girl's so I could be in UA instead"

•|back in the real world|•

Y/N's pov

You start waking up as you hear a alarm
"Damnit they found me" I groan before feeling someone thump me on the head "language young man!" A little old lays says sternly "you might be recovery girl huh" I asked with a soft tone as the lady nods.

Evil's traitorous sonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora