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"Good job, Fang!"

"Wow, you're really amazing! I can't wait to be like you!"

"You did great kid. You're going to be great in the future."

Praise. Praise is something everyone adores, especially him.

No one else was there to support him other than people's praise. His parents were dead, his brother didn't acknowledge him at all. It went a sfar that some people assumed they were total strangers to each other.

So Fang turned to praise. It was the only thing keeping him from giving up his sanity to this lonely universe.

But if he wanted praise he needed to work hard, so he did.

Years, he worked hard to build his reputation in TAPOPS, and maybe trying to please his brother along the way.

But after meeting his friends he was happy. Happy that someone seen him, and acknowledge him even for the smallest things

He finally had people who acknowledge him for who he is. And, that was enough...

Or so he thought it was.

"Boboiboy, That was awesome!"

"I bet you're going to be so powerful in the future, Boboiboy!"

"He's already powerful now!"

Boboiboy was praised for saving them yet again, he deserved the praise he, worked hard after all.

But shouldn't they also get some praise? Even just a little?

Fang knew this was a selfish thought, but he was there too. He participated in the fight, and so was Yaya, Ying, and Gopal. But, they were ignored

The others doesn't seem to mind but he did. I mean, Fang spent almost all his life on space inside a metal junk. Growing up working hard for attention and praise.

Of course he would still want it. If he worked hard he would be praised by it. Yes, Boboiboy really did deserve it but they all fought

But I guess he can live with a small jealousy hidden in those alien skin of his

"You did great, Boboiboy. If you get better, I'll have you on my team."

Never mind. He can't live in this jealousy. Who would? After your brother who never ever, ever acknowledge you praise your friend after a measly mission? It was just retrieving a power sphera which came acroos a minor inconvenience. It wasn't even as big as a fight with captain Separo, For fuck sake!

He did that so many times. Even before Boboiboy became a hero.

And did Kaizo ever praised him? No.

So this jealousy led to that, and that led to now

"Great job, shadow tiger. You did great." Fang praised his tiger

Fang patted the head of the shadow tiger which was drenched in blood and dirt. Behind the tiger was a lifeless body of someone Fang used to look up to.

"It was such a bad idea to be sent to a remote planet with you, Kaizo"

He chuckled at the sight of his brother's lifeless body laying flat on it's on blood on the ground

"Great Job, Me~"

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