Move On

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"Boboiboy" a voice whispered


 "Aaron." The voice keep whispering

 'Who are you...?' Boboiboy questioned

 "Come home.."

 'Home...?' Boboiboy asked himself




an alarm clock chimmed waking our elemental hero, Boboiboy

 "It was just a dream..." He mumbled

 He turned to look at the time, 5:30am "Better get ready" he said

 Soon after getting ready he went to the cafeteria to meet his friends. He looked around to see where they are

 "Boboiboy we're here" said yaya waving her hand getting his attention, Boboiboy saw this and went to them immediately 

"Hey guys, what are you guys doing?" Bbb asked curiously 

"Nothing much, just eating" ying answered 

 "What about those two" bbb pointed at an arguing fang and gopal 

 " gopal ate his donuts" yaya explained the situation 

 "Oohh, okay then" bbb understands 

 "Here try this curry qually made, it's really delicious" Yaya offered 

 "Thank you yaya" bbb accepted with a warm smile 


 "Mmm... I guess the curry can wait. Let's go guys" bbb being the leader said 

 "C'mon you two" ying said while pulling gopal's ear







When they arrived they then made the tappops salute "Do you need anything admiral?" Bbb politely asked 

"I actually don't" Tarung confessed

"Then why are we here?" Fang questioned 

"Just to tell you that you can have a vacation" Tarung said 

This made the gang very exited, they can finally see their Families again after a few months, or that's what they thought 

"But, you guys need to be in one place, so when an emergency happens all of you are already together" tarung proceeded to explain 

 The gang didn't know what to feel about this 

 "Guys, how about let's pick a place we've never been before" Gopal suggested 

 "Gopal's right, so we can explore the world, our world" yaya added 

 "Guess you can use your brain after all" Fang smirked 

 "Shut up donut boy" gopal retorted 

 "Why yo-" Fang wanted to insult him more but was cut off 

 "Guys how about Kota Hilir?" Boboiboy suggested 

 "You mean your home town?" Fang said 

 "Yeah... I don't know why but i feel like i want to go home" Bbb confessed 

 "Maybe your just homesick" yaya said 

 "If that's the case then kota hilir we go" Ying said 

 "I presumed you made up your mind?" Tarung spoke 

 "Yes admiral" bbb aswered 

 "THEN LEAVE ALREADY" tarung shouted in his rage mode


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