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Boboiboy closed his eyes and all he could see was black, just black.

"Where... am I?" He asked himself walking through the dark empty void. He then spotted something, he was too far to know what it was, so he ran towards it.

"A door...? What is a door doing here?" Multiple questions came up to his mind about this place. He was thinking "Should I open it? Is there even something beyond this door? What if it's still dark..."

"Has anyone been through this before?" Was the last question that he asked

After thinking about going through the door or not for an hour, he decided to open it "Well, this is the only thing I can do now... Better hope this doesn't kill me.." He joked

He opened the door. His eyed widened as he looked around inside

What he saw was... Paradise. White clouds that looks like the comfiest thing he'd ever seen, Clear waterfalls that looked cleaner than solar's jacket, Green healthy Plants surrounding everything, but what caught his attention out of everything was someone.

"Atok..." He mumbled, He was surprised to see his dead grandfather "I-is that really you...?" Tears started to form in his eyes

The older man didn't answer, he just raised his arms offering a hug as he smiled warmly at his grandson

Tears streamed on Boboiboy's cheeks as he ran towards his beloved grandfather "ATOK!" He cried out as he tackled his grandfather with a hug 

"Shh..." The grandfather hushed "It's alright, my grandson. You're safe" He comforted the child
"How did I end up here? It was just a void full of loneliness, darkness, and emptiness... How 
did this place end up feeling like... home?" He said sitting down on a white fluffy cloud, watching the the clear water stream down the lake

He chuckled "My friends would call me crazy and that I've lost my mind If I told them about all this"

"But I don't care if they do... This feels like a Million dreams smooshed into one..." He said laying down on the cloud, as he looked at his grandfather besides him
//Hours Before//

Boboiboy Halilintar could be seen fighting a cloaked enemy, While Gempa and Solar could be seen trying to evacuate injured agents including an unconscious Ying and Yaya 

The battle was intense, many was heavily injured... including the kokotiam boys, Gopal was helping carrying Yaya and Ying to safety while fang was trying to help Boboiboy

"Boboiboy! Behind you!" Fang shouted

Boboiboy turned around and saw a dagger coming his way, he dodged but was grazed in his right arm which caused him to fall, he was already heavily injured and tired. Gempa and Solar merged back, he has no energy left.

The enemy stood in front of a kneeling Boboiboy "Poor thing, You don't deserve the title of 'Elemental Hero'." The man Laughed "Prepare to Die, dear hero..." He said pointing a knife at Boboiboy's neck

He couldn't do anything, he can't move because of exhaustion. He is barely conscious, he had a blurry vision, all he could hear was ringing, It annoyed him. Suddenly all of that was disrupted by a sharp pain in his stomach, he fell to the ground. He was the enemy laughing with a bloodied knife in his hands. He used all his force to move his hand towards his stomach, he touched something and it stinged, he looked at his fingers and it was covered in blood. He didn't slit Boboiboy's throat, instead he stabbed him in the stomach

He looked up to the enemy and he was now covered in shadows as Kaizo finally arrived from a mission, Kaizo fought the enemy.

Fang ran towards his friend shouting his name "BOBOIBOY!!" Worry and Sadness clear in his tone "Dammit Boboiboy, If you die, I'll kill you"

Boboiboy chuckled "Guess y-you'll be more popular when I'm g-gone..." He was coughing blood

"Stop talking." Tears was forming in Fang's eyes as he tried to stop the bleeding 

"Fang... take care of everyone... including them" He said as he used all his strength to Move his left hand to Fang and he looked at the watched "They deserve a better owner..."

"Shut up! Don't say that you'll survive. just stop talking and don't close your damn eyes."

He chuckled "T-terbaik... Fang" He said as he lost conscious, closing his eyes. 



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