Chapter One

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I feel my mom's cold hands cup my face, as my salty tears land in her gentle hands. It's felt nice. 

"Oliver punched me in the face earlier and when I tried to fight back I got my ass kicked and they suspended the both of us.." I mutter, tears streaming down my bruised face, almost making my cuts sting. My voice shakes with each word. God, i'm so pathetic. I bet that any other boy my age could stand up for himself. 

My mom hugs me tightly, holding me close; as I hear an almost silent sob come from her. She says in a breathy tone, "Don't you worry. I'll take care of it."

The rest of the night was pretty quiet, my mom made a couple of angry phone calls to the shcool while Milo and I watched a Spiderman movie after dinner. Every now and then my mom would pace back and forth, with her phone in one hand and the other held a pen, that she was anxiously clicking. 




Then suddenly, the noises stop. My mon stops clicking her blue ballpoint pen and sets in down on the table and lets out a sigh of relief.

"Jake, your switching schools."


My alarm goes off. The time read 6:45 am. 

Ugh. Can't I sleep for just ten more minutes?

I dig my face into my mattress and pull a pillow over my head, my alarm still obnoxiously chirping.

I guess not.

I roll out of my bed, still only half awake, and drag myself to the hallway bathroom to brush my teeth. I slip on a pair of jeans, covered in grass stains, and pull my favorite hoodie over my Weezer shirt I went to bed with. I grab two socks out of my pile of clothes near the foot of my bed, which surprise surprise; don't match. I lace up my dirty converse and head down stairs where I see my mom and little brother sitting at the kitchen table.

"Morning hun! There's some cereal on the counter if you want some, and sack lunch in the fridge!" My mom greets me, enthusiastically.

"Morning." I'm more awakened now, but obviously not enough because as I poor my bowl of cereal corn flakes splatter all over. "Oh I'll get that-!"

"Are you excited for your first day at your new middle school?" My mom asks, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah!" No.

"Well I'm glad! This will definitely be a step up from your last school, dare I say a new start."

I'm glad she's happy about it. But you couldn't really say the same for me. It was hard enough just trying to get people to talk to me there, around people i've known since kindergarten; now i have to start all over.

The drive to school was like any other morning, my mom on the phone, Milo in the back yapping about something, and me, looking out the window.

My mom turns the car and we pull into the drop off area of the school. 

"Hey, they said that there's someone in the office who will give you your schedule and show you to your first period class. Love ya!" My mom whisper-shouted, muting her phone microphone. 

"Alright. Love you too, mom"

She gives me a warm smile and drives off while listening to someone on the phone with her rant.

Well here we are. The place you'll be visiting everyday for the next year and a half. Go get 'em tiger.

Immediately as I walk into the building I'm intimidated by the strong stench of kids who don't wear deodorant. Wonderful.

A lady in a purple cardigan with huge blue eyes greeted me at the entrance of the office. Her carmel hair seemed rock-hard because whenever she moved her hair stayed in place, not even a strand was out of its place. She had a thick Texas accent and a warm smile.

"You must be Jake! The new student, in the seventh grade?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, that's me."

"Great! I'm Mrs. Kershaw, I'm one of the school's counselors! Your first period class will be Mrs. Parks, in language arts!" The woman in the cardigan handed me a piece of paper with my classes, locker combination, and my school login on it. 


"Of course! I'll walk you to her class!"

The hallways were really crowded, definitely a lot more packed than they were at my old school. The class rooms were all right next to aisles of blue lockers. The school was pretty fancy, it looked a lot like something from a TV show. 

"This is your locker! Your combo is 4-25-20." 

Put in my locker combination and put my extra text books inside. 

"Well shoot- I have to get to a meeting so I don't think I can walk you to class, it's not for from here though. You think you can manage, kid?" The caramel haired women says, in a rush. 

"Yeah, I think I got it."

"Alrighty then! Well, welcome to Rosemeadow middle!" The women shakes my hand and scurried away, in a quick manner.

I walk down the now less crowded halls, looking at my paper. I'm not paying attention to my surroundings. I walk past a group of four people who looked around my age.

They were all walking next to each other, listening to a brunette girl on the left talk. There was a blonde boy with wisteria eyes next to her, and next to him was another boy with one hazel eye and one golden on, and shaggy ginger hair. The last person was on the far left on the other side of the brunette girl. She had big dark brown eyes and her hair was in a pony tail made out of braids. 

I still can't seem to find my class. I've searched the whole hallway.

"Room 203...." I mutter, looking around the hallway seeing if I can spot the classroom I need to get to.

The girl with brunette hair stops. She looks at me

"Hey you guys can go to your classes, I'll catch up." The girl says, and turns her head around. Her braid swings back, almost hitting the blonde boy right in the face; in which causing him to duck. 

"Oh alright Hailey, cya!" The ginger boy says, and walks off with the other two.

The brunette girl walks over to me with a friendly grin.

"Are you looking for room 203?" She asks, tilting her head.

"Oh uh- yeah.." I say, "I am."

"That's where I'm headed! Do you wanna walk with me?" The girl with brunette hair invited.

"Oh.. sure. That would be nice" I respond, almost surprised someone talked to me. Let a lone a girl.

"Okay! Come on, you can come with me and my friends! I'm Hailey by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Jake."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jake"


Thank you all so much for reading the first chapter of UnBreakable!! I really hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing<33

I'll try my hardest to update this story frequently, as it's going to be a lot longer than my other ones. Again, th

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