Dance + Dinner Pt.1

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  Mae pov:

I apologize to papi yesterday and it went will expect he kinda took the cable from my tv for a week. He didn't like how I said whatever. I mean I get that but geez not my tv too. 

Well today is the performance and school already ended so now I'm in my room getting ready for the dance. Apparently I have a group dance and Xavier and I have a duo! 

After the dance Xavier family is coming over for dinner.

I really hope this goes well... well the dinner at least. I mean it's not like I'm dating him... I hope I do soon. I don't think I can stand just looking at him no more and not holding his hand or wanting to hug him. I mean we do hug a lot usually when we see each other but yea.

"Mae bee you ready?" Papi calls from downstairs

"Yes I'm coming." I say as I get up and grab my dance bag and head downstairs 

"Aww your costume looks cute." Dad says as he strokes my hair

My costumes is really reviling but the thing is my parents don't really care in this aspect because it's a dance. Not to much showing I guess.

"Thank you." I say smiling

"You look like a plum." Matthew jokes laughing

"Oh shut upppp." I say giggling 

"You two be nice now." Papi says as he gets the keys and we are out the door

"We are." I say smirking and elbowing Matthew lightly 

"I saw that Mae." Dad says raising his eyebrow and shaking his head while smirking

"I heard someone has a duet with xavierrrrrr." Papi says as we are now pulling out the driveway

I feel my face get red. " umm yea we do." I say trying not to squeal

When I learned that yesterday I was so excited!

"Mhm someone is blushing." Matthew says smirking

"I am not!" I say hiding my face

"Mhm yes you are." Matthew says again

"No I'm nottttt." I say playful rolling my eyes

"Alright alright you two cut it out. Are you excited Princess?" Dad asked smirking and shaking his head

"Umm yea.. I just have to change very quickly that's all." I say giving a slight smile.

"Well you will do great anyway. Even if you mess up mi amor. Just keep going." Papi says as we are now at the competition 

"We love you" Dad says kissing my forehead

We don't live to far from anything. It was about 10 mins away.

"Love you too." I say smiling before I take off with my dance group who was waiting outside for me.

"Don't miss me too much." Matthew jokes 

"Trust me I won't." I say laughing

Soon before I know it I'm backstage with Ki Ki, Xavier, La Darius and Ava . Yes we have the same dance class. Am I happy about Ava being in my dance class absolutely not!

"I'm so excited!!" Ki Ki states jumping up and down behind the curtain 

"Shhh they can hear you." Ava says being bossy and rolling her eyes

Ki Ki gives Ava a side eye before talking again. " Are you excited Xavier?" She say smiling 

Her and Xavier became great friends. Ki Ki also has a boy friend named Jacob. I will introduce you to him later.

"Yes but it's been a while since I danced on stage before but I think we will be alright." Xavier says smiling

"We will do fine ya chilllll." La Darius says picking at his freshly painted purple nails to match the dance 

"Yes Dj is right we will do just fine and plus we rehearsed a million times." I say smirking 

Then the judges called us "Welcome, Number 254 Elite Dance Team, This is Where is My love." 

As we walked on the stage I felt a little nervous but shook it off.

As we finished I was so happy.

"Omg ya we ateeeeee!" La Darius says laughing

"Yea we sure did! High five!." I'd say giving everyone a high five 

"Well good luck Mae and Xavier ya will be up after these ." Ki Ki says hugging me tightly before going in the dressing room.

"Thanksss." Xavier and I say in unison before we look at each other and start laughing.

"Are you ready?" Xavier asked looking at me smiling as we hold hands

"I was born ready." I say giggling and look up at him.

Then we are called " Welcome,  The duet Number 257 This is world of dance." The judges say

"You know that was fun I hope I get to spend more time with you." Xiaver says smiling at me 

"Yea that was fun, I do too.." I say smiling trying my hardest not to blush 

"Your cute when you smile." He said as walked into the main lobby 

What's gonna happen now? We ate the dance up. But what about the dinner? Is he going to ask me out? Does he really think I'm cute when I smile?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while 💕! Lots of stuff happening, but love you guys and stay safe 🫶🏾😫🤪.

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