Drama + Cheerleading

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    Mae pov:

Schools ended and read 180 was okay it was highly annoying to be honest, but it is what it is.

Now I'm on the bus with my cheer group to go to part 2 of our  school. I know what your thinking part 2? 

Yes there is one side for the arts and academics and another side for Sports and cheerleading it's like 5 mins away though.

"So is any one's parents going?" Ava asked applying Mascara  (The Pick me aka Barbie)


"My mom and dad are going" Stella said (Minion)

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"My mom and dad are going" Stella said (Minion)

"Same"Gabby said (another minion )

"Anyone else." Ava asked Now applying eyeshadow 

"My mom and dad" Kacey (she is nice)

"Same my mom and dad."Laila (She is okay, can be rude)

"My older brother and sister are going" Ki Ki

"My grandparents are going" Bella (She is a gossiper)

"My uncle is going" La Darius (He is one of my best friends, He is gay)

"What about you Mae?" Ava says now applying lipstick

"My dads and older brother are going". I say 

"Oh right... Well I'm a mommy's girl.. who else is?" Ava asked smacking her lips

"Me, of course" Stella says smirking.

"Okay congratulations?" I say making Ki Ki and La Darius laugh a little 

Then Ava scoff " uh well you need some make up because, your looking a little ugly right now." She says smirking

"Are you done speaking yet?" I asked annoyed

"No not till you put makeup on.. you can't be a cheerleader and look like a pig." Ava says 

"Aww I'm sorry to upset you." I say sarcastically making La Darius choke on his water he was drinking.

"Shut up. Gray eyed freak! I didn't know your eyes can age." Ava said getting snickers from her minions

"Oh please you put in fake very light blue contact. I don't want to hear it." I say rolling my eyes

"Whatever. Your adopted oops-... I mean real mom and dad oops-...your  2 dad wish you were dead....anyway  how were your born again?"Ava says smacking her lips again

"Shut up Ava! Your just mad your parents aren't going." Ki Ki says standing up for me

"Well I rather have no parents than, look like that and have 2 dad, Ugly ass Bitch ."Ava says

I was going to reply until the bus arrived. So I just rolled my eyes.

"Ignore her! Come on let's go eat all those girls up" La Darius says walking with his press on nails and zesty. 

"Alright...Why you walking like that." I say laughing

"What you don't like my walk...Come on walk like meeeee." La Darius says laughing

"Okay." I say as I start copying him. As we both start laughing.

"Alright come on let's eat up." La Darius says smirking 

As we see the other boys Ethan, Miles and Cole. La Darius runs up to them as if he hasn't seen them in days. He is dating Ethan though.They are such a cute couple.

As I look in the coward I spot Dad,Papi, Matthew and to my surprise Xavier with I'm guessing his mom.

"Alright ELITE are y'all ready!?" Coach Sean asking looking at us 

As the other school comes in. Okay so let's get this straight. Even though this is connect to the BAA(Brandon arts and academic) School I go to it's also connected to another school called VTS Vallys Tech School. So we share the cheerleading and sports place. As one big team.

"YES!" We all yelled in excitement (I'm a tumbler)

"Alright is everyone stretched?" Coach Kyla asked (assist coach)

"Yes!" We all said in unison 

"Alright ELITE on 3! Coach Sean said.




"ELITE!" We all yelled 

"Come on we got this girly"Ki Ki says jumping up and down as we scream.

This is our semi final exam. I know your like exam? Yes this round isn't against anyone but it's grades and There are college people and professors grading you and trying to pick you for college. Like sport's basically but this is also a welcoming to transfer students. Since we have 17 this year. 1 in my grade. Cough cough (Xavier)

Pretend this is the routine. You can pick anyone as Mae. She is a tumbler though.

I know your thought. How on earth did my parents let me where that outfit. Well I love cheer and they know I love cheer so they let me wear it, but say I try to walk outside like that I'm good as dead.

As we finished the routine. Ki Ki and I started screaming in excitement. I love cheer! It's just so fun.

"You did amazing mi amor." Papi says as he kissed my forehead(I walked over to them)

"I am proud of of you kiddo." Dad says kissing my forehead 

"Thank youuu." I say smiling 

"Wow look at that my lil sis learned to do to more backflips than I can, I guess she learned from the best." Matthew jokes 

"Hey! So not true." I say laughing lighting punching Matthew in the arm.

"Alright ya be nice now." Dad says smiling shaking his head.

"Mae bee, your dad and I brought 2 cars so you will be riding back home with me as Matthew and your dad go pick up paint." Papi says shaking my head back  in forth

"Okay bye dad and Matthew see ya in a bit." I say waving as Dad and Matthew exit the building.

"Alright let's head out Mi amor." Papi says as we walk down the bleachers I hear my name being called.

"Mae." Xavier says as I turn around

"Heyy! I say waving as I am guessing him and his moms walk down to we're papi is at.

"My name Is Andrea White I am the mom of Xavier , Nice to meet you." Xavier's Mom shakes papi's hand

"Pleasure to Meet you, I am Pedro Garcia Peterson, My daughters papi." Papi say smiling

"I'm Xavier mum Lily White." Xavier Mum Shakes papi hand after words.

"My husband just left a second ago with my son." Papi smiles

"No worry's it's fine. I hope we meet another time. Nice getting to meet you." Xavier Mom Andrea states

"I didn't know you could tumble like that, how come you didn't tell me?." Xavier says sounding surprised 

"Well I don't you we never really went into the cheerleading part, but you next told me you were coming." I laugh

"True that, See you tomorrow " He laughs

"See you tomorrow." I say smiling as him and his family leaves.

What's going to happen now that papi met Xavier? Should I tell Papi about Ava and her minions? Did I get picked by the colleges? 

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