New Names

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Author's note:

Hey again! Here's my new chapter... Feel free to try and guess who is behind the new names. Enjoy!

*Online: Clumsy_Firefighter, On-the-double, Policepup_Spypup, I_Hate_Water, GetWet, PinkPilot, Pup-from-the-city, Hola_Amigos*

PinkPilot: Hey everyone!

Clumsy_Firefighter: Hi

On-the-double: Hello guys

Policepup_Spypup: Oooh, nice names, everyone!

GetWet: Same. I like everyone else's too

Pup-from-the-city: Hello

Hola_Amigos: Hola

Policepup_Spypup: Everyone, let's guess who is who

Pup-from-the-city: I can already guess you, it's Chase

Policepup_Spypup: Yeah, and you're Liberty

Hola_Amigos: Clumsy_FIrefighter is Marshall

Clumsy_FIrefighter: You're right... And you're Tracker

Hola_Amigos: Si

PinkPilot: I know who is On-the-double. It's Rubble

Rubble: Yeah, you got that right. And I know you're Skye

PinkPilot: Yup, that's right...

Policepup_Spypup: And Zuma is GetWet

GetWet: Yeah, dude! You got me

PinkPilot: Wait, where's Rocky?

Clumsy_Firefighter: Yeah, he's not here yet

I_Hate_Water: Hey everyone!

Policepup_Spypup: There's your answer, Skye

Hola_Amigos: There you are, Rocky! We've been waiting for you

PinkPIlot: Yeah, I knew someone was missing

I_Hate_Water: Yeah, sorry, guys... I couldn't think of a name, so I just thought of this

GetWet: It's cool, dude!

I_Hate_Water: Oh, thanks

On-the-double: Guys, I gotta go... Gotta do my...

Pup-from-the-city: Where are you going, Rubble?

On-the-double: I'm gonna do my business

Pup-from-the-city: What business?

PinkPilot: No need to ask, Liberty

Policepup_Spypup: The type of business all pups do

Pup-from-the-city: Ohhhh, I get it... Ok, go ahead Rubble

On-the-double: Alright, bye!

*On-the-double has went offline*

Clumsy_Firefighter: (sent a meme)

Policepup_Spypup: Hahahahaha

GetWet: Lol

I_Hate_Water: That's funny lol

Clumsy_Firefighter: I did that once to someone before, and he got in trouble for it, not me. I ate his important homework and he had no choice but to accept that I did it.

Hola_Amigos: To whom did you do it?

Clumsy_Firefighter: I think I did it to my first owner. He got mad at me and threw me to the pound

GetWet: Aw, I'm sorry, dude

Clumsy_FIrefighter: It's fine... At least Ryder found me there and took me

Pup-from-the-city: Yeah, but did his teacher believe that you ate his homework?

Clumsy_Firefighter: Nope

Pup-from-the-city: Oh, that explains the meme lol

I_Hate_Water: It's so unbelievable that nobody could believe that a dog would eat their homework.

PinkPilot: Anybody knows where Ryder went?

Clumsy_Firefighter: I think he's down in the garage, fixing his ATV

Pup-from-the-city: Yeah, I can hear some noises down there

I_Hate_Water: And he's calling me right now. Probably needs my help, gotta go

Hola_Amigos: Ok, bye, Amigo

Policepup_Spypup: Bye, Rocky

Clumsy_Firefighter: Also, Rocky? My tire's flat, I need you to fix it... Please?

I_Hate_Water: Again?? Your tire has gone flat two times now

Pup-from-the-city: lol

Clumsy_Firefighter: Yeah, it's the third tire that's flat this time

Policepup_Spypup: Marshall, where have you been driving lately and you're tire keeps going flat?

Clumsy_Firefighter: I don't know... But this time, I ran over a nail that Rocky dropped.

I_Hate_Water: Wow, my fault, huh? But you drove it

Clumsy_Firefighter: What? You're the only one who has those kinds of stuff. So it's obviously you who dropped it

I_Hate_Water: But you should've been careful where you drive.

Clumsy_Firefighter: You think I will notice a tiny nail on the ground while driving, huh? Huh? Huh?!

Hola_Amigos: Uh, guys?

GetWet: Stop fighting

PinkPilot: Guys, enough blaming each other of the nail. So, what, if there's a nail on the ground? It must be just an accident

Policepup_Spypup: Yeah, agree... Both of you just accept that there's a nail and the tire is flat.

Hola_Amigos: Amigos, I gotta help a monkey here. Bye

Policepup_Spypup: Bye, Tracker!

PinkPilot: Bye, Tracker

GetWet: Bye

*Hola_Amigos has went offline*

I_Hate_Water: Alright, bye guys. Gotta go help Ryder and fix Marshal's tire

Clumsy_Firefighter: Thanks, Rocky... I'll help you with my tire

I_Hate_Water: Ok

Clumsy_Firefighter: Bye

Pup-from-the-city: I'm gonna go do something too

PinkPilot: Me too

GetWet: Yeah, same...

Policepup_Spypup: Bye guys

GetWet: Bye

PinkPilot: Bye

Pup-from-the-city: Bye everyone

*Everyone has went offline*

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