Autocorrect Issues

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*Online: Rubble, Zuma*

Zuma: Hey Rubble!

Rubble: Hi Zumba!

Rubble: I mean Zumba

Rubble: Ugh, it keeps changing it

Zuma: Haha, It's okay, Rubble. I know what you mean

Rubble: I don't know what's going on with my device

Zuma: Don't worry, Grumble! I'm sure Ridiculous can fix this

Rubble: Whaaa?

Zuma: Ughhhh, there it goes again

Rubble: Hahaha, now you know how I feel

Zuma: Yup

Rubble: Let's just tell Ryder when he gets back from his errands

Zuma: Yeahhh... Wait, you spelled it right this time

Rubble: Oh, how did that happen?

Zuma: Hmm...

3 Hours Later...

*Online: Rocky, Skye, Chase*

Chase: Hey Rocky! Hey Skye!

Skye: Hi Chase

Rocky: Hi Chair!

Chase and Skye: Chair?

Rocky: Oh, I mean chair

Rocky: *Chair

Rocky: Chair chair chair... Ughhh, what's wrong with the keyboard?!

Skye: Hahaha, you're funny, Rocky!

Chase: It's okay, Rocky... I get it, anyway

Rocky: It won't be funny anymore if it happens to you guys

Skye: Hey, Rocky! The prepare in my copper is broken

Chase: Huh???

Skye: Wait, how did that happen?

Rocky: Told you it's not funny

Skye: I mean the prepare in my copper

Rocky: That didn't quite help

Skye: Prepare, copper, prepare, copper... Ughhh, ROCKY?!

Rocky: What? What did I do now?

Chase: I'll call Riddle

Rocky: Pardon me?

Chase: I said I'll call Riddle

Chase: Wait, whaaaaat?

Rocky: Ah, I get it now

Chase: Can we just do a call, Rocky?

Skye: Yup, that might be easter

Chase: Easter?

Skye: Aw, man! Sorry, don't mind me

Rocky: Yeah, sure, let's just call

*Rocky has started a video call*

2 Hours Later...

*Online: Tracker, Marshall, Ryder*

Marshall: Hey Marshall! Oh, Ryder's here too, hi!

Ryder: Hi Marshall! I'm still doing errands, just checking on you pups

Tracker: Hula Hoop

Marshall: What was that, Tracker?

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